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All the SS25 menswear events we're watching

All the SS25 menswear events we're watching


Men's fashion has just received its bi-annual update and we owe it to Spring Summer 2025 Fashion Weeks. Men's Folio rounds up what's hot for the upcoming SS25 season.

For SS25, fashion capitals Milan and Paris made sure the makeover came in micro doses. In keeping with the summer mandate, the same old formula of shorts, lightweight knits and fluid fabrics continued for another season. Gucci stuck with short shorts, ZEGNA did it with its Oasi Lino ideology and Dior Men brought its pottery touch with hybridised ceramic capes. But the continuation of the FW24 agenda was also a given. Tone-on-tone outfits were commonplace, ballet flats were omnipresent, and the need to personalise anything and everything with a dose of charm and doctor accessories returned once again to the runway. This season, too, bags were big. Louis Vuitton (re)introduced archival silhouettes to affirm its bigger-is-better philosophy, while Tod's, Berluti and Dolce&Gabbana all offered an extra-large luggage offering in some form for the season.

Below, check out all the SS25 runway menswear trends to watch in the time ahead.

The Slouch

Indulge in the latest luggage trend: the slouch bag. The bad bag posture is now officially dubbed the “slouch,” as seen in new collections from Louis Vuitton, Tod’s, and Gucci. Luxury has embraced this concave, convex, or simply domed silhouette for men’s luggage across all iterations of handbags, crossbody bags, and even mini purses.

Dance Dance!

There’s nothing like a trusty pair of flats to herald the arrival of summer. For SS25, fashion demands that you show off the tops of your feet in the most stylish way possible via a resurgence of last year’s ever-persistent Balletcore trend. From regular flats fans like Lemaire and Wales Bonner to the biggest luxury houses like Gucci and Fendi, balletcore is set to continue into 2025, one understated leather slipper at a time.

Tone on tone, on tone

It's the same thing, but different! The SS25 collection featured a myriad of coordinating designs: each set is color-coded with intentional tonal similarities in mind. No matter how many (or few) layers one chooses for summer, houses like ZEGNA, Louis Vuitton, Hermès, Homme Plisse Issey Miyake and Berluti are all pledging monochrome for the season.

Personality, commodified

In case you missed it, bag charms are taking over the fashion world, one luxury house at a time. We saw it first with speaker clips from Louis Vuitton and Fendi, and then again with Balenciaga's extravagantly decorated Rodeo bag. This season, Dior Men chose to go wild with a series of ceramic and woven accessories for its bag line, while Acne Studios and Doublet enriched it with key rings galore.

To scale

Bigger and bigger, bigger and bigger… If the AW24 had big bags, the SS25 upped the ante, going the bigger route is better. Dolce&Gabbana, ZEGNA and Tod's have all shown that size matters, with mammoth carry-on options, each in a larger format than before.

Tie it up!

We should have known this from the moment Sabato de Sarno declared the rebirth of the famous Gucci belt from 2014 when it debuted in men's fashion fall-winter 2024. Fashion decided that the hero accessory of the season should not would be other than the simple leather buckle. Now more than ever a point of interest, belts have become the eye-catching detail of the season, appearing at Prada as trompe-l'oeil experiments printed on pants, at Moschino as buckle fasteners for new bags handbags for men and at Dolce&Gabbana as a draped lengthening of the legs.

Short shorts

Summers are getting warmer every year, which is the perfect excuse for hemlines to rise higher each season.

Once you have finished this story, clickhereto catch up with our June/July 2024 issue.




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