Sofia Vergara Shows Off Cleavage and Curves in Plunging White Dress During Night Out with Friends in Italy: 'A Happy Place'
Sofia Vergara She gathered some friends and went on a summer trip to Italy, which the actress affectionately dubbed her “happy place.”
Taking to her Instagram page Thursday night, the former Modern Family star documented her first night in the seaside town of Forte dei Marmi in northern Tuscany, sharing three photos and a video from their fancy lobster and seafood dinner.
The cover image shows the actress and model leaning over her boyfriend Pietro Tavallini, her ample cleavage almost falling out of her dress, just inches from the top of his head.
The agent and public relations officer highlighted the photo by closing his eyes and putting his index finger in front of his mouth to indicate either silence or a whisper.
As Vergara leaned over her friend, viewers also got a look at her two gold necklaces and at least two matching gold bracelets and rings.
Sofia Vergara, 52, had a blast with her boyfriend Pietro Tavallini when they went out to dinner with Anastasia Soare and Luis Balaguer at an upscale seafood restaurant on their first night out.
Vergara, Tavallini and Soare showed off their respective black and/or white ensembles while Balaguer played photographer while walking after their meal
That evening, she had her long brown tresses styled long, straight, and falling well below her shoulders with a part in the middle.
Once inside the restaurant, the two friends continued to act out by posing again at their table with a huge lobster that was on the menu that night.
Vergara held one of the lobster's long tentacles while Tavallini, wearing a fitted black T-shirt with white pants, posed a few feet to her right holding the tail.
As the two friends enjoyed one of the evening's main courses, sitting across from them were Anastasia Soare and Luis Balaguer.
The photo of the CEO and founder of beauty brand Anastasia Beverly Hills and the CEO and founder of Latin World Entertainment (LWE) showed the couple both dressed in black while sitting in a patio area of the restaurant.
The post ended with a video of some of the seafood dishes that were served to their table of four, such as two lobsters, fresh bread and a shrimp dish, to name a few.
Around the same time, Vergara shared a photo of herself and Soare in the restaurant's lobby, dressed in their respective ensembles for the evening.
'[Let] the meal begins @anastasiasoare,' she announced in the caption as they stood a few feet apart before sitting down at their table.
The two friends continued to act out by posing again at their restaurant table with a huge lobster that was on the menu that night: “First night in Italy #fortedimarmi”
Also attending the dinner was Anastasia Beverly Hills beauty brand CEO and founder Anastasia Soare and Latin World Entertainment (LWE) CEO and founder Luis Balaguer.
The former Modern Family star posed with Soare in the restaurant's lobby where she announced: “[Let] the meal begins @anastasiasoare
After dinner, the quartet went for a stroll down a busy street in Forte dei Marmi, although it was Balaguer who had to sit in this photo and act as photographer.
Balaguer passed the camera to Tavallini, who then filmed the other three leaving their dinner while enjoying the scenery.
The trio of Vergara, Tavallini and Soare were captured again while walking down a less busy street during their visit to Forte dei Marmi
Afterwards, Vergara, Tavallini and Soare briefly reunited arm in arm during a stroll along a busy promenade not far from the restaurant.
“A happy place,” the Colombian exclaimed about Italy, using several Italian flag emojis.
The picturesque town of Forte dei Marmi in northern Tuscany, overlooking the Ligurian Sea, is financed largely by its tourism.
Known as one of the top destinations that attract Italy's upper class, Forte dei Marmi typically has a population of 7,700, with the population nearly tripling during the summer months due to all the tourists who come from areas such as Florence, Milan, Germany and Russia, according to Wikipedia.
Vergara just became single again after divorcing ex-husband Joe Manganiello in July 2023 after seven years of marriage, and has since been romantically linked to orthopedic surgeon Dr. Justin Saliman since last October.
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