Nordstrom Anniversary Sale 2024: 55 Best Fashion Deals
Photo-Illustration: The Strategist; Photos: The Traders
If you haven't heard: Nordstrom's Anniversary Sale is underway, and there are still some seriously good deals to be had. This year, the sale is especially well-stocked on clothing, shoes, and accessories, and as the style editor at The Strategists, I'm here to find the best of the markdowns for you (and myself, I admit). I've scoured hundreds of pages of Nordstrom's site and rounded up the best fashion deals right here, including everything from Vince polos and chunky-buckled Birkenstocks to Barbour jackets and Celine sunglasses. But don't waste any time—the Anniversary Sale ends on August 4, so make sure you don't miss out on those Mansur Gavriel heels you've been eyeing.
I would layer this denim dress with a turtleneck in the winter.
I love fitted tops, and this polo is made of a not-so-shiny silk blend.
The Goldilocks of jeans at over 30% off.
The original jeans that made Levis a household name, now cropped.
I've never met a pair of Eileen Fisher pants I didn't like.
If you are still looking for a High-level sport-a pair of pants, these will do the job (and last you more than a few seasons).
A quilted jacket that's fitted enough to avoid any Michelin Man connotations.
The chartreuse color brings the right popular to this pea coat.
These briefs are the best briefs in our underwear guide. Dolley Frearson, creative director ofHaute Couture Housecalls them smoothers and promises that they will eventually replace almost all of your underwear.
Women's Shoes & Accessories
Bath co-founder Hannah Zisman has worn her chunky-buckled Birkenstocks to weddings in Maine, the Hamptons and Whistler.
I love that these sandals have a tiny heel, you can't even call it a kitten, and an undone bow.
The square toe makes this ballerina slightly less classic.
The Stan Smith, one of our best-in-class white sneakers, is perennially popular, says one stylist.
Mansur Gavriel doesn't do a lot of sales on his shoes, so it's a nice surprise to see a pair on sale. The grosgrain trim and flared heel make these a real must-buy.
Simple mules for the minimalist.
My Vagabond boots aren't worn out yet (my oldest pair is over five years old), and I'm looking at these next.
Longchamp is making headlines again, and it's a less obvious version of the The folding tote bag. The zippers on the bag can be opened to make it longer (or closed to make it shorter).
In the designer section of the sale, we find trendy oval-shaped Céline sunglasses.
Or get the same look (albeit smaller) for a fraction of the price.
If you want something eye-catching, here's a set of sculptural silver stud earrings.
These hoops have only a sparkle of diamonds.
Ultra-soft Falke socks to make putting on moccasins easier.
The Bonoboss chino collection offers plenty of options to choose from, but these tailored styles will be endlessly versatile.
These jeans are made with AGs Cloud Soft denim, so they offer some comfortable stretch.
A revisited version of a traditional Hawaiian shirt in silky lyocell (the same fabric found in many pajamas today).
You'll be glad you have this when your first fall weekend upstate rolls around.
Another jacket you'll want for fall: this Barbour coat with the famous corduroy collar and a water-resistant coating, making it ideal for unpredictable weather days.
Gazelles don't feel as played like Sambas.
It's a good idea to have a nice derby on hand for occasions when a dress shoe isn't optional.
You can't go wrong with an ultra-warm, ultra-comfortable Ugg slipper.
Forget wet sneakers and opt for a pair of these Hunter rain boots instead.
A cashmere scarf with only light stripes.
Pack this for their first seaside adventures. (Don't forget a sun hat!)
For the budding rider who wanted a pony for her last birthday
. And the one who doesn't want to go anywhere without his teddy bear.
This pretty square neck, drop waist dress is made even sweeter with a bow detail.
In case you missed it: Jelly, everything is In this summer. These Melissa sandals will make your child the coolest on the playground.
A pair of rubber boots for jumping in puddles with abandon.
THE fake The sheepskin fur inside these Uggs will keep their toes warm, even without socks.
Shorts to keep in their locker for gym class.
Triceratops-shaped sweatpants for the child in full dinosaur phase.
A stylish polo shirt for picture day (or just a family photo).
The Strategistis designed to present helpful, expert recommendations on what to buy across the vast e-commerce landscape. Each product is independently selected by our team of editors, whose details you can readhereWe update links when possible, but note that deals may expire and all prices are subject to change.
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