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Dior and Burberry among those who make masks and coats for coronaviruses


The fashion world is working to help healthcare professionals in the fight against coronavirus.

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, several fashion brands and companies reallocated their resources to provide doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers with essential equipment, such as masks and medical coats.

In a statement published at Instagram On Tuesday, Dior announced that the company had reopened a studio in Redon, France, on a voluntary basis to produce new masks.

“Dior is actively committed to helping and protecting everyone on the front line every day,” said the statement. “Thank you to our wonderful little hands who, in exceptional solidarity, work tirelessly to protect them.”

In Instagram On Monday, Giorgio Armani announced that all of the company’s Italian factories are manufacturing single-use medical suits.

I would like to dedicate a special thought to those involved in the production of disposable medical coveralls, with their skills and dedication, they will concretely help to face the greatest urgency of these years, “said designer Armani in another post.

Burberry announced the InstagramOn Saturday, the company’s global supply chain network is used to deliver 100,000 surgical masks to the National Health Service in the United Kingdom. In addition, the brand’s trench coat factory in Castleford, Yorkshire has been redesigned to make non-surgical gowns and masks for patients.

The label also funds research into vaccines at the University of Oxford and makes a donation to the charities FareShare and The Felix Project to fight food poverty.

Brooks Brothers followed suit, announcing Instagram Monday, the factories of the American company in New York, North Carolina and Massachusetts will move from the manufacture of fabrics, shirts and costumes to the manufacture of masks and dresses. The company plans to produce 150,000 masks per day.

We view this as a duty and part of our DNA at Brooks Brothers, “said CEO Claudio Del Vecchio in a statement.” We are deeply grateful to the front line medical personnel who are fighting the pandemic, and we are honored to do our parting and joining our retail peers to provide the protective masks that our healthcare system absolutely needs.

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Nordstrom On Friday, she also announced that she had partnered with Kaas Tailored to provide Providence Health & Services with more than 100,000 disinfected masks.

The luxury conglomerate LVMH, which owns several fashion houses including Christian Dior, Fendy, Givenchy, Louis Vuitton and Marc Jacobs, announced on March 21 its intention to use its global redistribution network to supply more than 40 million masks in the coming weeks.

Likewise, the Kering group, owner of the Guucci, Saint Laurent, Bottega Veneta, Balenciaga, Alexander McQueen and Brioni fashion houses, announced plans to make masks on March 24. On March 22, the conglomerate said he will buy and import three million surgical masks from China for healthcare professionals in France.

Prada began production of 80,000 medical suits and 110,000 masks on March 18 at its factory in Montone, Italy, the company announced on March 23.

Another designer who is committed to helping is Christian Siriano, who tweeted to the government of New York, Andrew Cuomo, on March 20, proposed to make masks for the hospital staff in order to remedy the shortage.

“If @NYGovCuomo says we need masks, my team will help make them. I have a full sewing team who are always home-based staff who can help,” wrote Siriano.

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