People in giant animal costumes walked Stella McCartney and I never felt more represented
Stella McCartney sent people dressed in full animal costumes to her Paris Fashion Week runway show and I have never felt more represented by haute couture. Or should I say hoof chuckle? Hoot coopture? (No, I won't stop.) McCartney injected a serious message with a set of whimsical messengers into his collection, highlighting his long-standing commitment to animal rights. McCartney was one of the first designers to refuse to use animal products in her work. In the show notes, she explained this commitment by writing "There has never been a time when we have had more hope of ending the use of fur and leather by fashion. " And so, the only animals in sight in McCartney's elegant collection were the gigantic variety of fluffy mascots and, reader, I am brimming with pride.
As someone who spent years of his youth embodying the polyester soul and body of a Charles Entertainment Cheese, I have long waited for the day when plush models would get their due in the fashion world. And, like a breakfast of characters at Disney World, when it happened, it was much more than I expected, beautiful, overwhelming and a little confusing.
McCartney sent the value of a whole farm of mascots on the track for the final, including a bull, a crocodile and two different cows. I also get unconfirmed reports that there was a very intelligent and empathetic spider hidden in a corner, weaving tweets live on its web.
Of all the mascots, I think my heart belongs most to this rabbit who lives his absolute best life with a huge handbag and not a care in the world. This rabbit is like "Yes, I am aware that in a few weeks, I will have to point in my concert by placing plastic Easter eggs in places easily found around the world, but at the moment I am France, i have a wallet, I am on the clock, and I trample the track like Gisele Bunnydchen. Know me! "
Have you ever seen someone in your life as excited about walking in a room as this rabbit? The only way you could have a more exciting fashion show than this animal mascot is to give yourself if Leslie Jones was sitting in the front row, shouting cheers for her favors Emily Rabbitkowski and Kaia Gerbil. It is the future of fashion.
An honorable mention goes to this crocodile giving you Judd Nelson in The breakfast club reality. Now, I imagine all the animal mascots in fashion detention and I realize that despite their differences, they all respect each other. Can we rush this into production at Pixar immediately?
I do however have a few questions about the two different cows. Let's get into the details because this is a very serious matter.
Here is a cow:
Okay, what we have here is a standard cow mascot presentation. Cow spots, big cartoon eyes, molded horns, placid smile. You look at this mascot and you say, "It seems to be a cow, since no mascot really looks like the animals they are supposed to represent and we, as a culture, have decided to lie to ourselves about what we see and hear when we meet farm animals. "All right.
And then we have this cow!
She is beautiful! She is grace! She's wearing a full face! Sis did not throw his shot on this track. She has abstract spots, she has a winged eye and she has even perfected a signature facial expression. This is editorial!
Next year I want this trendy cow and Gritty in a special collection. It is a real representation of mascot.
At Thom Browne, animals have also made a surprise appearance in the form of full-face masks worn by models.
Although not as playful as McCartney's mascots, I am serious when I say that I need this in my life immediately. Can you imagine walking into your office with a fucking rhino on your head? And then just sit at your desk and do your normal job as if you were a character Horseman Bojack. Here's what happens when you let Eugene Ionesco be the guest mentor Project track.
And that giraffe?! Is perfect. Look at that sly look and those little giraffe teeth. We are a demur icon. This giraffe is like, "Well, look, I'm going to go to Simba at Pride Rock, but know that I'm aware of my own worth and I'm working with Zazu to seize the means of production."
Normally, when someone delirious on horsehair at a fashion show, it doesn't mean real hair on a horse, but that all changes now. It's a new day for fashion, for mascot representation, and to be honestly a little warm inside of it all, but to make it work like the bad ass bunny that you are.
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