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Tech, fashion, home the best deals


Personal stylist Penelope Cadzow says she prioritizes brands that are hardly on sale, including luxury brands. But, she warns that sometimes “brands are cheeky and pull out old inventory and sell it at heavily discounted prices” that didn’t sell or did not match well the first (or third) time around.

Still, don’t be put off by “sales fatigue,” says Kate Browne, editor of the consumer website. She says Black Friday is “one of the last opportunities to get heavily discounted products before Christmas,” as retailers will revert to full prices as it draws closer to December 25.

Fill up on bubbles now, put them away for Christmas (if you can).

Fill up on bubbles now, put them away for Christmas (if you can).Credit:iStock

Start by making a plan. List five things you need and five things you want, including potential brands. Be sure to subscribe to their newsletters (you can always unsubscribe later), which can sometimes grant early access to discounts, and their social media. Stick to the budget, stick to a total, and track expenses. And if you’re using a payment service like PayPal or Klarna, create an account ahead of time and read the fine print on fees. Basically, you want to avoid any irritating “admin” when you focus on shopping (the fun part).

Browne says some of this year’s best deals will include small appliances and tech, alcohol, housewares and fashion.

When deciding on an item, consider whether it is more important to save money or have the latest model. As an example, Browne says Dyson Often resets previous models of its stick vacuum cleaner on Black Friday. She says the biggest difference between, say, version eight and version 11 is battery life. So if you have a small apartment, maybe the saving is bigger? Likewise, Browne says, buying an older model phone or laptop can have more serious performance implications. Only you can decide.

If working from home is your norm, you need good sound.

If working from home is your norm, you need good sound.

When it comes to shopping for fashion, focus on the basics, but don’t dismiss an amazing piece, says stylist Coco Louise. “If the flagship piece is quality and can be worn with several items of clothing in your wardrobe and you know it’s a good deal, grab it! This is your chance to treat yourself.”

Here are some of the best deals we’ve spotted, by category.

Work from home (rs): Drop the moment for one Nespresso, which offers an additional 10% discount on Vertuo Aeroccino3 packages, as well as savings on capsules. Need a helmet? Capture has $ 74 off Apple’s AirPods Pro (up to $ 325) and the latest Bose Quiet Comfort noise-canceling headphones for $ 468. If it’s a phone case you’re looking for, head over to Saber House for 40 percent off. Bang & Olufsen also promises up to 60% off.

Make a staycation feel five star with new linens.

Make a stay five star with new linens.

Animators: Bed linens and towels need a reboot? Sheridan (40 percent) Countryside road (20%) are both safe bets, while The Sheet Society cut the prices of its luxury linen bedding by 15%.

Fashion lovers: There are too many deals to mention, but some perks include Mara and the mine shoes (35%), Viktoria and Woods (25 percent), Andie swim (up to 75%), Hugo boss (up to 40%), Bally (up to 50 percent), Manning Cartell (up to 30 percent), Ginger and smart (30%, outside the resort), Witchcraft (20%), Alix Yang | jewelry (30 percent), Bassike (30%), Reliquia jewelry (30%) and up to 50% plus free shipping to Net to wear and David Jones.

Fitness fanatics: Let’s face it, we could all be using some new leggings for 2021. The bright side has 30% off Spring / Summer and up to 60% off older styles, while Jaggad has up to 50 percent for over 30 styles. Bing lee Also has great deals on Theragun massage guns (up to $ 150 off). And for the shoes, Reebok has 30 percent off new styles.

Staple storage: It might not be the sexiest buy, but now is the best time to replenish your underwear and socks to Boody (20%) and Calvin Klein Underwear (40 percent).

Beauty Bounty Hunters: Upgrade your tools to Cloud ($ 40 off) and Dyson, which will publish offers closer to Black Friday. More of a multi-brand buyer? Sephora has 15 percent off everything (20 percent if you spend over $ 120) except Dyson. Mecca, whose new Sydney flagship opens Friday, offers bundled kits with savings of up to $ 50. Some of the best makeup deals are at Morph (40%) and Charlotte tilbury (30% off trios; more offers to be announced).

Dyson is expected to come up with some great deals on its beauty tools.

Dyson is expected to come up with some great deals on its beauty tools.

Pay-it-backers: Of course, not all brands believe in discounts, so if you’d rather pay up front, try Assembly label, which donates 100 percent of its sales to the children’s charity Curing Homesickness. Meanwhile, shoe brand Allbirds will raise prices by $ 1 to support activist Greta Thunberg’s youth climate movement Fridays for Future. While others take a more sustainable approach, including a pre-loved fashion app Vestiaire Collective which offers up to 50 percent off brands like Stella McCartney with a percentage of sales donated to support women’s rights.

Offers are valid from 23 November. Check back during the week to add more specials to the list.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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