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The best dress watches under $ 1000


James Bond wears a diving watch with a tuxedo, but that doesn’t mean you should. Today’s culture is more casual than ever, but there is still a place for that most archetypal of all styles of timepiece: the dress watch. While simple in nature, dress watches don’t need to be boring or relegated to just stuffy events – and they don’t have to cost an arm and a leg.

Although loosely defined, you mostly know a dress watch when you see one: it’s like a suit for your wrist, with clean lines and monochrome colors that will tastefully accentuate a formal outfit (or even a t-shirt and jeans, if desired.). In its purest and most classic form, a good dress watch should be simple and understated in size and design, but carry a sheen of sophistication.

Concretely, typical features include slim cases, polished metals, leather straps, and simple functionality. Most are waterproof to just 30m – nothing more is needed. What dress watches do basically well is tell the time and reflect the tastes of the wearer without too much fuss. It’s a simple formula, and the five watches below prove that it can be done well for little money.

Skagen Jorn



The majority of Danish brand Skagen’s timepieces could possibly serve as a dress watch, as they are typically medium in size, slim, and minimalist in design. Housing quartz movements, they offer the clean style you want at very affordable prices, of which the 6mm thick Jorn is a perfect example.

Diameter: 41 mm
Movement: Quartz
Price: $ 73


Orient child

guide the child


If you’d rather not spend your precious diver’s watch on something formal, an Orient Bambino will serve you well and cut you off a dashing profile for a remarkably reasonable price. The collection offers a range of well-executed design iterations, internal movement, and excellent build quality for the money.

Diameter: 40.5 mm
Movement: Orient F6722 Automatic
Price: $ 108


Timex Marlin Automatic



The Marlin is Timex’s flagship mechanical watch, notable for its affordable price and retro styling. Imbued with a beautiful retro design and a size restricted to 40mm, it features a domed acrylic crystal for that vintage vibe and comes on a leather strap which enhances its overall feel.

Diameter: 40 mm
Movement: Miyota 8215 Automatic
Price: $ 249


Waldan heritage



Although Waldan was established in 1979, it has a history stretching back further and a newly reinvigorated image that resembles a future of watches made in the United States. The Heritage collection has a retro cool feel, excellent build quality and a quartz movement produced in the USA.

Diameter: 40 mm
Movement: Ameriquartz
Price: $ 300


MVMT Automatic Arc



The MVMT Arc Automatic collection offers a minimalist design and an automatic movement for a rather reasonable price. At 41mm, it’s a bold size for a dress watch, but will be perfect for those who like this look or have larger wrists.

Diameter: 41 mm
Movement: Miyota 82XX automatic
Price: $ 300


Seiko Presage



A counterpart to Seiko’s Prospex family of rugged watches, the Presage collection offers more stylish options in a similar mid-level price range. True to the brand’s reputation, the SARY059 offers incredible value for money, with a silver dial, lots of personality and excellent construction.

Diameter: 38.5 mm
Movement: Seiko 4R35 Automatic
Price: $ 425


Tissot Le Locle Powermatic 80



Tissot has some of the best performing Swiss automatic watches on the market. The Le Locle series has a very classic and formal look, and this particular model is powered by the improved 80-hour power reserve automatic movement that can be found in many other Swatch Group brands in the entry-level range of range.

Diameter: 39.3 mm
Movement: ETA C07.111
Price: $ 630


Hamilton Intra-Matic



It’s probably no coincidence that Hamilton’s Intra-Matic debuted in 2012 at the height of Mad MenThe popularity of the company – it would fit right into the world of mid-century New York advertising executives. Despite his basic hands and index fingers, he offers a masculine panache that is anything but boring. Thanks to its premium ETA 2892 automatic movement, the case remains slim at just 10mm.

Diameter: 38 mm or 42 mm
Movement: ETA 2892 Automatic
Price: $ 845 and more


Junghans Max Bill Automatic



Equally classic, minimalist, and distinctive, there aren’t many watches that compare to the most famous Bauhaus watch of all, the Max Bill. The namesake of the watch designed it in 1961, and it hasn’t really changed. We can confidently say that if you just want a dress watch, buy one from this iconic collection.

Diameter: 38 mm
Movement: ETA 2824 automatic
Price: ~ $ 895


Mido Baroncelli Heritage Gent



It is only 7.3mm thick. That’s a good start for an automatic dress watch, and Mido’s Baroncelli boasts a possibly ideal width of 39mm, while still providing a crisp, crisp look. This textured dial is sure to offer strong contrast and readability, and the build quality won’t disappoint either.

Diameter: 39 mm
Movement: ETA 2892A2 automatic
Price: $ 990


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