a lot of human influence
Environmentalists are no longer in agreement with what is “wild” | Instant news
While pressing the illustration with a stick, Cipollone pointed to the beech tree and fodder column on which the bear was feeding. Use two branches to bring a piece of dirt to his nose. He explained that the digestive system of the bear has never done a very delicate job on berries when he breathes the faint scent of fruit.
He said proudly: “It is like good wine.” A healthy pile of feces means at least one bear that thrives.
Revival is not just about saving charismatic animals, like Wouter Helmer, one of the founders of the Netherlands to take back Europe, who really want to appear. For him, this practice, developed in response to theories on the dangers of fragmented habitats, is similar to restoring natural processes as well as saving wolves and bears.
Helmer looks at the wild through a typical Dutch lens in the form of a free flowing river, sedimentation and flooding. He said: “The scene should surprise you.” “Give nature a tool to express yourself.” The platform deserves to be freely controlled as does the creature associated with its surface.
But Helmer admitted that restoring natural processes sometimes required heavy human hands. Permanently removing dams in the Netherlands so that floods can submerge, for example, could mean weeks of moving the earth with heavy machinery. However, nature is not always completely left on its own machine. In one case, the city government that wanted to rebuild the river entered into an agreement that allowed the brick manufacturer to return within 10 years to dig the land from the new flood plains.
If this scene manipulated by humans was truly considered to be rebuilt, the wilderness no longer meant what it did when conservatives like Aldo Leopold first fought for the idea in the 1930s. This is no longer an untouched synonym. The unbroken lineage that connects rivers and animals along its banks with Pleistocene evolutionary dynamics no longer exists. But thanks in part to Helmer, renewed interest in restoring wildlife across Europe. This new outlook appreciates ecosystems that operate as far as possible out of human control, even if they are not historically pure.
A few hundred miles from Rewilding Europe’s Dutch headquarters, Charlie Burrell and Isabella see two decades in conservation experiences at Knepp Castle Estate in West Sussex. This link between agricultural links in south London may seem very successful in supporting anything wild, and an experience full of questions about whether Knepp soil can actually reach this mark: the pure nature conservation shows that humans have dramatically changed the shape of the Earth through Agriculture since the Middle Ages kings hunted in the Knepp Forest. But Borel and Tree do not care about the Puritans.
As explained in his book, Wild Tree Wild Clay, Burrell Family Land, was not very suitable for lush cultivation. There is a reason why the local Sussex accent 30 different words for clay. Inspired by the site they visited in the Netherlands, Burrell and a tree asked whether allowing the farm to be rebuilt would give them a viable economic future.
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