Poll: frequent mass attendance correlates with support for Donald Trump in 2020 election
Americans who attend church services frequently were more likely to vote for former President Donald Trump than for President Joe Biden in the 2020 election, according to a new analysis. But Mr Biden, the country’s second Catholic president, won a larger share of white Catholic voters than Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton in 2016.
As in previous years, voters who frequently attend religious services defined as those who attend at least once a month were more likely to vote for the Republican candidate in the last presidential election, while less frequent attendees were more likely to support the Democrat, the Pew Research Center. analysis found.
According to the report, Mr. Trump won the support of 59% of voters who frequently attend church services, compared to 40% for Mr. Biden. But for Americans who worship a few times a year or less, Mr. Biden won 58% against Mr. Trumps 40%.
Americans who attend church services frequently were more likely to vote for former President Donald Trump than for President Joe Biden in the 2020 election.
As for Catholic voters, the overall tally was roughly split: 50% of Catholic voters chose Mr. Trump while 49% chose Mr. Biden. Among white Catholic voters, 57% chose Mr. Trump compared to 42% for Mr. Biden. Clinton, meanwhile, only garnered the support of 31% of white Catholic voters in 2016, 11 points lower than Mr Biden.
But following trends in broader religious engagement and voting, the frequency of attendance at Mass correlated with stronger support for Mr. Trump, according to the report.
For white Catholics who attend mass at least once a month, 63% voted for Mr. Trump compared to 36% for Mr. Biden. For white Catholics who attend less frequently, support for Mr. Trump fell to 53% and rose to 47% for Mr. Biden.
Gregory Smith, associate director of research at Pew, said that in 2020 white Catholics were remarkable in how higher attendance rates at church services led to greater support for Mr. Trump.
Among white Catholic voters, 57% chose Mr. Trump compared to 42% for Mr. Biden.
As for white evangelical Christians, more than eight in ten who attend church services at least once a month, as well as those who attend less frequently, argued Mr. Trump. For non-evangelical white Christians, greater attendance at church services meant greater support for Mr. Biden.
Mr. Biden, who regularly attends mass in Washington and near his home in Delaware, has been criticized by several US bishops since his inauguration in January. On the day Mr. Biden was sworn in, the head of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Archbishop Jos Gomez sent a letter in which he used strong language to condemn Mr. Bidens’ support for the right to abortion, prompting a rare public reprimand from a high-ranking American cardinal and Vatican official.
Then, in June, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops voted to proceed with drafting a document on the Eucharist that could include a section to ban Communion for Catholic political leaders who oppose the Eucharist. teaching of the Church. Although key supporters of the document have said they do not plan to use it to deny Communion to Catholics, several other bishops who spoke at the meeting condemned Mr Bidens’ support for the law. to abortion.
The body of bishops is expected to vote on a draft document in November.
The strongest support for Mr. Biden in terms of religious demographics included black Protestants (91%), atheists or agnostics (86%) and people of non-Christian faith (64%). Support for Mr. Trump among white evangelicals remained high in 2020, with 84% choosing him over Mr. Biden.
The report was based on a survey of just under 10,000 voters in the 2020 election, a sample size that did not allow analysis of the voting preferences of Hispanic or Asian Americans.
Sources 2/ https://www.americamagazine.org/politics-society/2021/08/31/pew-survey-trump-biden-catholics-241310 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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