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Xi Jinping sends peace envoy on tour to Ukraine, Russia and several Western countries

Xi Jinping sends peace envoy on tour to Ukraine, Russia and several Western countries


China’s special representative for Eurasian affairs since 2019 and former ambassador to Russia, Li Hui, begins a tour of Ukraine, Russia, several European cities on Monday. Beijing says that through this tour, it aims to discuss a political settlement of the crisis in Ukraine.

Li Hui will travel to Poland, France and Germany as part of the multi-day tour, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said on Friday, without providing a detailed schedule.

The visit is proof of China’s efforts to promote peace talks and fully demonstrates China’s firm commitment to peace, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin told a conference. daily press, according to the Reuters agency taken over by Agerpres.

Li Hui – who is fluent in Russian – is the most senior Chinese official to visit Ukraine since Russia invaded in February 2022, and his trip could coincide with the start of a Ukrainian counteroffensive expected to retake the territory occupied by Russia.

Zelensky spoke with Xi

The visit comes weeks after Chinese President Xi Jinping had a phone conversation with his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky in late April, as part of the first talks between the two leaders since the start of the war.

Zelenski described the conversation as long and meaningful in a tweet, while Xi said Beijing would focus on promoting peace, although China’s proposals to end the conflict have drawn some skepticism in the West, counting. given that country’s ties with Russia.

However, several European leaders, including French President Emmanuel Macron and European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen, have urged Xi to talk to Zelenskiy and play a bigger role in deterring Moscow’s actions in a series of visits to the Chinese capital from March.

The Chinese peace plan

Since February, Beijing has intensively promoted a 12-point initiative for a political solution to the Ukraine crisis.

But this plan, launched a year after Russia invaded Ukraine – on February 24, 2022 – largely represents a reiteration of China’s previous lines regarding the war in Ukraine. Beijing urged both sides to accept gradual detente and warned against the use of nuclear weapons.

kyiv has dismissed the idea of ​​any territorial concessions to Russia and said it wants to reclaim every inch of territory previously occupied by Russia. Russia illegally annexed the Crimean peninsula in 2014, and since last September has proclaimed that it has annexed four other Ukrainian regions (Donek, Lugansk – in the east, Kherson and Zaporozhye – in the south), which Moscow calls now Russian land.

China, close to Russia

Since the start of the war, China has refrained from condemning Moscow – its strategic ally – or labeling its actions in Ukraine as an invasion, drawing criticism from Western countries and the United States, which questioned the credibility of China as a potential mediator in the conflict.

Whatever Li’s message is, it will come under scrutiny given Western states’ unease over the March meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and his dear friend, his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, and the engagement of the two countries. for a non-confrontational partnership. months before the Kremlin invaded Ukraine, which Moscow calls a special military operation.

Li spent his entire diplomatic career dealing with the Soviet Union, then Russia and the states that emerged after its break-up, since he joined the Department of Soviet and Eastern European Affairs of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1975, according to Russian media.

Publisher: BP




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