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India and Greece to finalize agreement on migration and mobility soon: what PM Modi and Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said

India and Greece to finalize agreement on migration and mobility soon: what PM Modi and Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said
India and Greece to finalize agreement on migration and mobility soon: what PM Modi and Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said


Furthermore, Mitsotakis also said he was sure that the two countries “will very quickly finalize a very important agreement on migration and mobility”.

At a joint press conference, PM Modi said, “it is a matter of happiness” that India and Greece “are moving towards a doubling of bilateral trade by 2030”. Speaking at a joint press conference, Prime Minister Modi said Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis' visit to India after 16 years is a historic occasion. His statement comes after the two leaders spoke on Wednesday.

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In his speech, Prime Minister Narendra Modi praised Greece's active participation and positive role in the Indo-Pacific region. “It is a matter of happiness that Greece has decided to join the Indo-Pacific Ocean Initiative. We agree that all disputes and tensions must be resolved through dialogue and diplomacy. ..”, did he declare. said.

Among the topics of discussion were the collaboration of startups from the two countries, cooperation in maritime transport and connectivity, defense support, cybersecurity, maritime security and the fight against terrorism.

READ ALSO : Prime Minister Modi is the first Indian Prime Minister to visit Greece in 40 years. View the full agenda here

In India, opportunities for co-production and co-development in defense manufacturing are emerging which will be beneficial for both countries. We have agreed on collaboration between the defense sectors of the two countries,” PM Modi said.

“In the fight against terrorism, India and Greece have the same concerns and priorities. In this sector, we had an in-depth discussion on strengthening our cooperation in this sector,” PM Modi said. said.

Prime Minister Modi said India and Greece have also focused on promoting collaboration in the field of higher education institutions in both countries.

The Prime Minister also mentioned that India and Greece will celebrate the 75th anniversary of their diplomatic relations next year. On this occasion, “we decided to develop an action plan which will allow us to highlight the common heritage of our two countries in terms of science and technology, innovation, sport and other areas on the world stage…” declared the Prime Minister. .

What Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said

Mitsotakis said he was in India for the first time in an official capacity. He said that with Prime Minister Modi, “we continue to build on the positive momentum in our bilateral relations.”

“The joint declaration that we signed in Athens a few months ago and which elevated our relations to a strategic level is already being put into practice. And as the Prime Minister said, we are making significant progress towards deepening strategic cooperation in all areas: security and defense, investment and trade, science and technology, cyberspace, education, culture, tourism, agriculture”, Mitsotakis said.

He told the joint press conference that India and Greece will “very quickly finalize a very important agreement on migration and mobility”.

“This will be a very important step towards strengthening our cooperation in areas such as illegal immigration, the fight against human trafficking, but also by offering young Indians the opportunity to come and work in Greece and benefit from the growth of our economy…”, he declared. said.

The Greek Prime Minister said his country supports India's candidacy for the UN Security Council for the period 2028-29. “We also support and participate in the border dialogue on the reform of the UN itself in order to make it more representative of changing patterns of development and the world order,” he added.

Greek Prime Minister in India

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis arrived in Delhi on Tuesday. Union Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Meenakashi Lekhi welcomed the Greek Prime Minister at the airport. Mitsotakis is the chief guest and keynote speaker at the Raisina Dialogue 2024, which is scheduled to take place February 21-23.

Mitsotakis is accompanied by senior officials and a high-level business delegation. This is the first bilateral visit by a head of state or head of government from Greece to India after 15 years. The last visit of the Greek Prime Minister to India took place in 2008. Prime Minister Modi had visited Athens on August 25, 2023.

India-Greece relations were elevated to a “strategic partnership” during Prime Minister Modi's visit to Greece in August 2023, according to the MEA press release. Mitsotakis will also visit Mumbai before returning to Athens.

(With contribution from agencies)

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Published: February 21, 2024, 02:46 PM IST




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