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Liz Truss says Tories abandoning Boris Johnson was a 'biggest mistake' | Politics | News

Liz Truss says Tories abandoning Boris Johnson was a 'biggest mistake' |  Politics |  News


Liz Truss has hinted she wants to make a return to the frontline of British politics after detailing the challenges of saving the West in her new book.

The former Prime Minister's tenure in Downing Street lasted just 49 days and ended humiliatingly after his so-called mini-budget collapsed – but Ms Truss made clear his thirst for bringing needed change to Britain was always there.

Speaking in an exclusive interview with the Daily Express, Ms Truss joked that the only thing she could change from her past was to run for Tory leader after Boris Johnson was ousted.

But she added that the biggest mistake actually was the ouster of Boris Johnson by his fellow Tory MPs.

In the book, she noted how her husband Hugh had been wary of her taking part in the leadership race and how her agent at Norfolk South had joked that she should stand, but that it might be -be preferable to arrive second.

Ms Truss told the Express: That's what my husband told me, the parliamentary party has been rather regicide and it was a mistake to get rid of Boris.

When I just think that if someone is elected Prime Minister by the voters, you might have a very good reason to do so and we still suffer from that.

Asked about her own future, Ms Truss made clear she was ready to return to office, but not necessarily as Prime Minister.

I'm still an MP, I'm still here, I want to be part of this debate. I will play the role I have to play.

In the book, she makes it clear that her aim was not to become prime minister but to bring about the economic changes she believes Britain needs to prosper and which could only be achieved by reaching the top.

She added: When I ran for president, it was not because I had a burning desire to be prime minister. It was because what I really care about is getting things done, changing Britain and making Britain a prosperous, vibrant and patriotic country. I know we are. That's what matters to me.

So the reason I wrote this book is, of course, to participate in the political debate in Britain about where the philosophy of the Conservative Party is going, a very clear vision of where it should go, but also to serve as a warning to you. to other conservatives around the world. That's what happened.

In her new book, Ms. Truss details how the West is on the verge of being seriously undermined because it is undermined from within by leftist, woke ideology rooted in unaccountable institutions.

She explains how an establishment that has shifted to the left over the past 40 years is blocking success in Britain with the book reviewing her experiences and battles with the civil service recruiting left-wing activists, the self-appointed justice, the left-wing media, the irresponsible and an invincible economic establishment, including the Governor of the Bank of England; and the way his own party's MPs are dominated by Conservatives in Name Only (CINO).

She told the Daily Express she wanted to release the book this year, well in time for the US election, because Britain's problem is a Western problem. And unlike many conservative MPs, she unapologetically hopes that Donald Trump wins back the White House.

Ms. Truss warns that there is much at stake in a world that, within a decade, could be dominated by China unless serious changes occur in the West in the fight against big states, non-growth and woke ideology as well as net zero fanatics.

She added: “You can see that China is becoming more and more belligerent, the terrible strikes that Iran has tried to carry out against Israel, the war in Ukraine, all of this is a sign of Western weakness.

More specifically in the United States, in fact. I think my book is about how the West has weakened and with it the failure of net zero emissions targets that have prevented our economy from growing as much as it could, or the woke nonsense which harmed children.

They are essentially trying to undermine our way of life and our civilization. So that’s what the book is about. And it's about acting together, the West has been led by the global left, the Joe Bidens and Justin Trudeaus of this world, who are not strong enough to stand up for what is right.

Ms Truss compared the treatment of Trump by large sections of the media and left-wing activists to the way Harry Potter author JK Rowling was transformed into a figure of hate.

The former prime minister spoke about a culture of fear among people across the country and how she will speak to voters at their doorstep who will say I should probably say this as if they are at risk to be arrested for expressing their opinions.

She added: “I hope that Americans vote for Trump and believe that they will because he actually keeps his promises.




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