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Charlotte shooting: US marshal, 2 others killed, 4 CMPD officers injured in shooting while serving warrant

Charlotte shooting: US marshal, 2 others killed, 4 CMPD officers injured in shooting while serving warrant


CHARLOTTE, N.C. — An attempt to serve an arrest warrant turned deadly Monday when a deputy U.S. marshal and three other members of a task force were shot and killed in Charlotte .

A total of eight law enforcement officers were shot, including two corrections officers who were killed and a Charlotte-Mecklenburg police officer who was seriously injured and later died. Three other Charlotte-Mecklenburg officers were also shot.

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department (CMPD) Chief Johnny Jennings said during a 9:40 p.m. briefing that Officer Joshua Eyer succumbed to his injuries.

“Officer Joshua Eyer died this evening as a result of his injuries after being shot in the line of duty this afternoon while assisting other officers in apprehending a suspect,” CMPD said in a press release on social networks. “Officer Eyer faithfully served the North Tryon Division of CMPD for six years and was a member of the 178th Recruit Class. We are forever indebted to Officer Eyer for his courage and ultimate sacrifice. His life and service will never be forgotten. Please say a prayer for Officer Eyer's loved ones during this difficult time.

Joshua Eyer, Charlotte-Mecklenburg police officer


Eyer is survived by his wife and a 3-year-old son, Jennings said.

He added that “we are still actively investigating this matter and that this incident would “always be a CMPD matter.”

WATCH: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Chief Provides Update on Fallen Officer

Full briefing: Charlotte-Mecklenburg police chief provides update on fallen officer

The deadly saga began around 1:30 p.m. when the U.S. Marshals Task Force went to execute an arrest warrant for a felon convicted of possessing illegal firearms in the 5000 block of Galway Drive in North Tryon Division .

As officers approached the suspect, the man opened fire, striking several officers. As the officers returned fire, more shots hit other officers.

The man who shot the officers left the house and was killed in the front yard of the home on Charlotte's east side.

The CMPD Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Team then began negotiations with the other occupants of the house. A confrontation began and lasted several hours. This included armored vehicles crashing into the suburban home in a tree-lined neighborhood and tearing out doors and windows.

Two women came out and were taken to the law enforcement center to be questioned by detectives.

The armed suspect who was killed by police was identified late Monday evening as 39-year-old Terry Clark Hughes Jr.

Hughes was wanted for possession of a firearm by a felon and two felony counts of fleeing to escape to Lincoln County, North Carolina.

“Today we lost heroes who were just trying to keep our community safe,” Jennings said.

At a 6 p.m. news conference, Charlotte-Mecklenburg police said three U.S. marshals were killed and a fourth injured.

The US Marshals Service later confirmed that one of its officers had been killed. North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper said the other two killed were state Department of Adult Corrections officers who worked with the task force.

Todd Ishee, North Carolina's secretary of adult corrections, identified the two officers killed as Sam Poloche and Alden Elliott, both 14-year veterans of the North Carolina Department of Adult Corrections.

Poloche leaves behind a wife and two children, and Elliott and his wife have one child, Ishee said.

Samuel “Sam” Poloche, left, and William “Alden” Elliott

NC Department of Adult Correction

“Every day, Deputy Marshals and Task Force officers risk their lives to apprehend some of our nation’s most dangerous criminals,” Attorney General Merrick B. Garland said in a statement. “Today, three of these dedicated public servants made the ultimate sacrifice. Several other officers were seriously injured while conducting this operation to protect their community. The Department of Justice is heartbroken by the deaths of three of our own law enforcement colleagues, and we extend our deepest condolences to their loved ones as they grieve this unfathomable loss.”

WATCH: Full press conference at 6 p.m.

Raw video: During a press conference, Charlotte police spoke of a deadly day that left 3 US Marshals dead.

Cooper posted on social media that he offered state resources to help local law enforcement in any way they might need.

Cooper then arrived in Charlotte, the state's largest city, to meet with officials and the victims' families.

Charlotte Mayor Vi Lyles shared her thoughts on the shooting on social media:

“I am deeply saddened by the shooting that took place today involving Charlotte-Mecklenburg police officers and the US Marshals. I ask all Charlotteans to keep them, as well as other injured police officers and their families, in your thoughts and prayers during this incredibly difficult time.”

President Joe Biden was briefed on the shooting and spoke with Cooper to express his condolences and support for the community, according to the White House.

In a statement, the White House said: “The President has been briefed on the shooting in North Carolina, in which several law enforcement officers were killed. He spoke to Governor Cooper and expressed his condolences and support to the community. House officials are in contact with federal, state and local officials. »

Biden later issued a more detailed statement:

“Earlier today, four courageous law enforcement officers, including a Deputy United States Marshal, were killed in the line of duty. They are heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice, rushing into danger to protect ourselves. We cry for them and their loved ones. And we pray for the recovery of the brave injured officers.

When a law enforcement officer puts on that shield in the morning and walks out the door, his family members dread the phone call – the very call that came today. It's like losing a piece of your soul. To the families of those we have lost: Jill and I, and all Americans, are here for you. And we will always be there for you.

We must do more to protect our law enforcement officers. That means funding them – so they have the resources they need to do their jobs and keep us safe. And that means taking additional steps to combat the scourge of gun violence. NOW. Congressional leaders must act to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, require safe gun storage, and pass universal background checks and a national whistleblowing law. Enough is enough.

God bless these fallen heroes. »

The last marshal killed in the line of duty was in November 2018. Chase White was shot and killed in Tucson, Arizona, by a man wanted for stalking local law enforcement, the agency said.

The investigation is being conducted by the CMPD Homicide Unit. As is standard procedure for any officer-involved shooting, the CMPD Internal Affairs Bureau is conducting a separate but parallel investigation.

Sydnee Scofield of ABC11 and the Associated Press contributed.

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