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President Erdogan of Trkiyes and his German counterpart Steinmeier meet in Ankara for talks

President Erdogan of Trkiyes and his German counterpart Steinmeier meet in Ankara for talks


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Wednesday expressed hope that Ankara and Berlin will not encounter obstacles and will focus on discussions on joint production projects, particularly in the defense sector. Azernews reports, citing Anadolu Agency.

“We hope that Trkiye and Germany will start discussing joint production projects rather than barriers, especially in the field of defense,” Erdogan said at a joint press conference with his German counterpart Frank-Walter Steinmeier , on an official visit to Ankara.

“(Together with Germany) we want to completely remove the restrictions we face in the defense industry,” he added.

Trade between Ankara and Berlin

He said Trkiye aims to increase the volume of bilateral trade with Germany, which exceeded $50 billion, to $60 billion in a balanced manner.

Erdogan said that as NATO allies, Ankara and Berlin enjoy multifaceted relations in various areas, from security to economy, culture and science.

I attach particular importance to increasing mutual investments. We also wish to advance our cooperation in the defense industry in a manner consistent with our bilateral relations and the spirit of alliance,” he added.

He said bilateral cooperation in the tourism sector is also growing, adding: “The strongest common ground and backbone of our ties are strong human ties. The number of people we said goodbye to from Sirkeci Station 63 years ago has reached 3.5 million. Turkish guest workers boarded trains to Germany from Istanbul station in 1961.

President Erdogan expressed confidence that Turkish-German friendship will continue to strengthen and develop.

He said that over the past six decades, the Turkish community has moved from being migrants to assuming vital roles in Germany's social, economic, cultural and academic life.

The Turkish leader said he discussed with the German head of state issues regarding the integration of the Turkish community in Germany and mentioned the new German citizenship law as a welcome step in this regard.

Erdogan expressed his pleasure in welcoming Steinmeier and his delegation to Ankara, saying the visit was valuable as it was his first as president and it coincided with the 100th anniversary of the friendship treaty between Trkiye and Germany.

Erdogan also expressed his gratitude to Germany and its people for their solidarity during the two earthquakes on February 6, 2023 in southern Trkiye.

Fight against terrorism

The president said Ankara expected “further support and solidarity from the German authorities in the fight against terrorism.”

He expressed growing concerns over the rise of xenophobic, Islamophobic, far-right and racist organizations in Germany, as well as in Europe.

Sadly, 31 years after the Solingen arson attack, we lost two children and four siblings in a similar attack. I shared our expectations for a thorough investigation and punishment of those responsible for the heinous incident that occurred on March 25, he added.

Thirty years ago, a far-right arson attack in Solingen killed five members of a Turkish immigrant family, in one of the most serious cases of racist violence in modern Germany.

Last March, four members of a Turkish-Bulgarian family were killed in a fire and more than a dozen others were injured, some seriously, in the same town.

Germany should see a horrible scene in Gaza

Erdogan said they discussed measures to renew the customs union between Trkiye and the EU and visa liberalization, besides other regional and global developments.

The Turkish leader also addressed the ongoing conflict in Gaza, where Israel has killed more than 34,000 Palestinians, and said Ankara would continue to intensify its efforts to achieve a ceasefire in the enclave and ensure that uninterrupted and adequate humanitarian aid reaches the Palestinians. people.

Erdogan said Trkiye had demonstrated a resolute, conscientious and courageous stance towards Gaza from the start.

On this occasion, I reiterated our call for an end to the unprecedented oppression that has lasted in Gaza for 200 days.

It is obvious to everyone that as long as Israeli attacks continue, threats to regional and world peace will intensify. The recent escalation of tensions between Iran and Israel is the latest and most striking example, he said.

We are all well aware that the suffering of innocent people, condemned to death, hunger and misery, will not be forgotten for generations to come, he continued. The Israeli administration's efforts to cover up the atrocities and massacres committed in Gaza should not be allowed. »

He said that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, simply to prolong his political career, is endangering the security not only of his own citizens but also of the entire region.

Trkiye no longer maintains intensive trade relations with Israel and this chapter is closed, he stressed.

Claiming that Israel had killed women and children in Gaza, Erdogan urged Germany to see the “horrible scene” in the blockaded enclave.

Steinmeier, for his part, emphasized that Germany does not maintain such intense, friendly and family relations with any other country in the world as with Trkiye.

He stressed that the two countries were indispensable to each other and needed each other.

On the Palestinian issue, he said: “Without a political perspective for the Palestinians, security cannot be ensured for Israel either. This perspective can only be a two-state solution. »

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