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Today in politics: PM Modi to intensify BJP campaign in Gujarat; Priyanka Gandhi to hold rally in Ajmal territory | News from the political pulse

Today in politics: PM Modi to intensify BJP campaign in Gujarat;  Priyanka Gandhi to hold rally in Ajmal territory |  News from the political pulse


Prime Minister Narendra Modi is expected to campaign on Wednesday in Gujarat, which goes to polls in the third phase of voting in the Lok Sabha elections on May 7. Prime Minister Modi is expected to address public meetings in Banaskantha and Sabarkantha Lok Sabha constituencies, which is expected to boost the BJP's election campaign in the state.

In Gujarat, the BJP has won the last two Lok Sabha elections, winning 26 of the 26 seats, even though the party has ruled the state continuously since 1998. However, winning all 26 seats again is not the declared objective of the BJP in this country. state, this time the party says it aims to win every seat here with a margin of 5 lakh votes, as reported by The Indian Express.

Already in Surat, BJP candidate Mukesh Dalal was elected unopposed after nomination papers of Congress candidates were rejected and remaining candidates dropped out. The main opposition Congress has found itself even more depleted in Gujarat in recent months, having lost several sitting and former legislators to defections.

However, the BJP in Gujarat continues to face the wrath of Kshatriyas, who are protesting against Union minister and first-time Lok Sabha candidate Parshottam Rupala over his remarks made in March which allegedly suggested that the community s 'was bowed obediently before the British. Despite his numerous apologies, Kshatriya groups demanded his withdrawal of his candidacy and organized a series of protest rallies. On Wednesday, a protest is expected to take place in Gujarats Anand against the BJP.

Recommended reading: Behind Rupala's woes, a Kshatriya longing for the past

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Shah's campaign

Meanwhile, Union Home Minister Amit Shah is covering four states with a rally in Chhattisgarhs Korba, a rally and roadshow in Karnatakas Haveri and Hubli, and a roadshow in Telanganas Hyderabad, where he will campaign for BJP candidate Madhavi Lata, who is facing sitting AIMIM MP and party leader Asaduddin Owaisi in the fourth phase on May 13.

In Delhi, however, Shah is the subject of a doctored video case, in which the minister's statements indicating his commitment to abolishing Muslim quotas on religious grounds in Telangana were allegedly altered to make it appear that he was advocating the removal of all reservations.

The Delhi Police registered an FIR in the case after the Indian Cyber ​​Crime Coordination Centre, under the Home Ministry, filed a complaint. On Wednesday, police summoned several people, including Telangana Congress CM A Revanth Reddy and four other members of the party's state unit, for allegedly uploading and sharing the doctored video. Sources, however, said Reddy was “unlikely” to join the probe and might send his representative.

Kharge and Priyanka campaigns

National Congress leaders are campaigning for party candidates in at least two states on Wednesday, party president Mallikarjun Kharge in Karnatakas Raichur and Gulbarga constituencies and Priyanka Gandhi in Assams Dhubri. The 14 seats in Karnataka, out of a total of 28, which are yet to be voted on will be voted on May 7, along with four other seats in Assam, out of a total of 14.

Kharges' campaign will take him to his home turf of Gulbarga, where his son-in-law Radhakrishna Doddamani is the Congress candidate. Doddamani is tasked with retaking Gulbarga, which was once one of the Congress strongholds. In 2019, the party lost the constituency for only the third time since 1952. It was also Kharge's first electoral defeat in his 60-year political career, as reported by Johnson TA.

Priyanka Gandhi will hold a rally in Dhubri, the seat currently held by All India United Democratic Front (AIUDF) chief Badruddin Ajmal, for Congress candidate Rakibul Hussain. This is a seat that neither the Congress nor the BJP and its allies have managed to win in the previous three elections.

President Murmu in Ayodhya

Wednesday will also mark President Droupadi Murmus' first visit to the newly constructed Ram temple in Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh. The president was not among the participants in the temple consecration ceremony led by the prime minister on January 22.

With PTI inputs




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