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Mountaineers nailed four homers with a narrow loss to No. 13 Wake Forest

Mountaineers nailed four homers with a narrow loss to No. 13 Wake Forest


SHELBY, NC App State hit four home runs, including two outs Kameron Molenaarbut the Mountaineers' ninth-inning rally fell short in a 10-9 loss to No. 13 Wake Forest at Keeter Stadium.

The App State (26-15-1) offense got off to a strong start to open the ballgame. Austin St Laurent led off with a double to right field and Drew Holderbach followed by launching his sixth home run of the season just inside the left field foul pole, immediately giving the Mountaineers a 2-0 lead.

Holderbach finished with three hits in the ballgame and extended his on-base streak to 42 consecutive games.

Later in the first inning, C.J. Boyd hit a solo home run to left field, his 15th of the season and 32nd career blast, tying Tony Welborn (1983-86) for second in program history.

After Wake Forest (28-16) got a run back in the bottom of the first inning, the Mountaineers stormed back in the second. Hunter Wilder made a leadoff walk and stole second to get into scoring position Joseph Zamora, who picked up the middle to drive him home. After Zamora advanced to second base on a wild pitch, Holderbach ripped an RBI single through the left side to increase the lead to 5-1.

App State was strong on the mound too early in the ballgame. Everette Harrismaking his first career start, pitched 2.2 innings and struck out three before giving way to Cody Klein who fired 1.1 scoreless innings without giving up a hit.

The Black and Gold extended their lead in the fifth. Boyd reached base on a one-out walk and Miller followed with a huge two-run home run to left-center to take a 7–2 lead.

Wake Forest responded with a big bottom half of the frame to take their first lead of the ballgame. After loading the bases and scoring a run on a wild pitch, the Demon Deacons reloaded them and hit a grand slam and a solo homer back-to-back to go in front, 8-7.

It stayed until the bottom of the eighth thanks to a one-run game Ryan Sleeper who came out of the bullpen and struck out three in 1.2 scoreless innings.

After giving up a pair of runs in the bottom of the eighth on a two-out, two-run double, the Mountaineers continued to battle in the ninth. Holderbach led off with a single to left field and after two loud outs by Tolley and Boyd, Miller crushed his second home run of the night to get the Mountaineers back within one. Unfortunately, the Black and Gold could not sink further.

The Mountaineers defeated the 13th-seeded Demon Deacons 12-7 in the ballgame.

App State returns to Boone for a three-game series with South Alabama Friday through Sunday.

The 2024 App State Baseball season is presented by Chick-fil-A.




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