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PM Modi: Me and Yogi work for your children, Congress and SP for the dynasty | Election news

PM Modi: Me and Yogi work for your children, Congress and SP for the dynasty |  Election news


Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday asserted that while he and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath worked for your children, the Congress and the Samajwadi Party worked for dynasties ruling over the people.

HAS gathering in Etawah On the last day of campaigning for the third phase of the Lok Sabha elections, Modi alleged that some parivarvadi (dynasts) treated Amethi and Raebareli as their jagir (domain) while others thought the same of Kannauj, Etawah and Mainpuri ( all in Uttar). Pradesh), in one go to the Opposition Congress and the SP.

What is the heritage of these families? Some consider Mainpuri, Kannauj and Etawah as their land… Some consider Amethi and Raebareli as their land… But Modi’s legacy is a poor house. (What do these dynasts leave as their legacy? Some consider Mainpuri, Kannauj and Etawah as their domain, while others consider Amethi and Raebareli as theirs. But Modi's legacy is the pukka house of a poor person).

Campaigning for the BJP candidate in the SP bastion, the Prime Minister said that neither he nor Adityanath had any children and that was the reason their hard work was only for your children.

Referring to a recent slip of the tongue by SP leader Shivpal Singh Yadav demanding majority for the BJP, Modi said he had said what his brother, late Mulayam Singh Yadav, was thinking.

Festive offer
Prime Minister Narendra Modi offers prayers before Lord Ram at Ram Temple, Ayodhya Prime Minister Narendra Modi offers prayers before Lord Ram at the Ram Temple, Ayodhya. (PTI)

Modi is striving to make the country strong for the next 1,000 years, the Prime Minister said. Kyonki Modi rahe na rahe, desh to hamesha rahega (because no matter if Modi will be there or not, the country will still be there).

Alleging that SP and Congress leaders were contesting elections for their own future and that of their children, he said: Yeh Modi-Yogi khup kyon rahe hain? (Why are Modi and Yogi working so hard?). I want to leave a legacy for the children of this country, where there is prosperity and jobs for them.

In 2047, the sons or daughters of this crowd will be able to become Prime Minister or Chief Minister. But these shahi parivars (royal dynasties) want only their children to be appointed to these positions. One day people will remember how a chaiwala (tea seller) broke a tradition to become PM, proving that even a poor person's son can become PM and CM.

Amid opposition targeting the central government over alleged side effects of the Covid-19 vaccine, the Prime Minister said: “All the speeches and promises of the PS and Congress are lies. Their slogans are false because their motivations are not good.

The country's scientists developed the Covid vaccine, SP and Congress leaders tried to give it a bad name. While they secretly administered the vaccine themselves, they advised against its use on television and social media.

Modi claimed that the SP and Congress wanted to give reservation to the Muslim community from the 27 per cent quota for other backward classes, as they did in Karnataka. I ask the Yadavs, Mauryas, Lodhs, Pals, Jatavs, Shakyas and Kushwahas of Uttar Pradesh to imagine what would happen if a similar reservation was extended from them to the Muslims, he said.




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