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Trkiye welcomes Hamas acceptance of ceasefire proposal, expects Israel to do the same, says President Erdogan

Trkiye welcomes Hamas acceptance of ceasefire proposal, expects Israel to do the same, says President Erdogan


Trkiye on Monday hosted the Palestinian group Hamas which announced that it had accepted a ceasefire agreement in Gaza, adding that Ankara expects the same step to be taken by Israel, the president of the country.

We welcome Hamas' announcement that it has accepted a ceasefire agreement in Gaza thanks to our efforts, and the same step should be taken by Israel, Recep Tayyip Erdogan said after a Cabinet meeting.

Erdogan also urged Western actors to pressure the Israeli government to accept the ceasefire agreement.

We believe that there is no door that dialogue and negotiation cannot open, he said, stressing the importance of good intentions and diplomacy.

Trkiye has repeatedly pushed for a ceasefire in Gaza since the early days of the conflict around seven months ago and called on all countries around the world to help reach a deal.

Erdogan also reiterated Trkiye's determination to fight terrorism in the region until we drain the terrorist swamp in northern Iraq, referring to the presence there of the PKK terrorist.

During his visit to Iraq last month after a 13-year hiatus, Erdogan said the visit was of historic importance, both in terms of results and the messages sent.

Iraqi and Turkish officials discussed issues of security, transport, energy and water, he said, adding that they crowned the visit with the signing of 27 agreements in various fields.

Stressing that the Iraqi government's declaration of the PKK as a banned organization is an important step in the fight against terrorism, he said: “We also said that we expect the PKK to be declared a terrorist organization.

Turning to the PKK's Syrian branch, the YPG/PKK, he added: We will certainly complete our unfinished work in (northern) Syria when the time comes, due to the promises made by our allies which have not been fulfilled. outfits.

Trkiye complained that the United States and Russia had failed to keep their commitment to keep the YPG/PKK terrorist group at least 30 kilometers (19 miles) from Syria's border with Trkiye.

Regarding the second successful test flight of the Turkish KAAN fighter jet carried out on Monday, Erdogan congratulated Turkish Aerospace Industries, the company behind the aircraft, and the National Agency for Defense Industries, saying they had made the Turkish nation proud twice since the start of the year. .

During its nearly 40-year terrorist campaign against Trkiye, the PKK, considered a terrorist organization by Trkiye, the United States and the European Union, is responsible for the deaths of more than 40,000 people, including women , children and infants. The YPG is its Syrian branch.

Israel shelled the Gaza Strip in retaliation for an October 7 cross-border attack by the Palestinian group Hamas, which killed around 1,200 people. Since then, nearly 34,700 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza, the vast majority women and children, and another 78,000 have been injured, according to Palestinian health authorities.

Nearly seven months after the start of Israel's war, vast swaths of Gaza lie in ruins, pushing 85 percent of the enclave's population into internal displacement amid a crippling blockade of food, drinking water and medicines, according to the UN.

Israel is accused of genocide before the International Court of Justice. An interim ruling in January said it was “plausible” that Israel would commit genocide in Gaza and ordered Tel Aviv to stop such acts and take steps to ensure humanitarian aid was provided to civilians.




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