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PTI reiterates JC's demand to probe May 9 chaos

PTI reiterates JC's demand to probe May 9 chaos


PTI leaders stood firm on Tuesday, reiterating their call for the creation of an empowered judicial commission, free from military influence, to probe the May 9 incidents.

However, the party demanded that all “stolen evidence”, including crucial CCTV footage, be laid bare before the commission tasked with bringing to justice the masterminds, perpetrators and accomplices of the year's unrest last.

The demand came just before the first anniversary of May 9 and just hours after a blistering press conference by Director General of Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), Major General Ahmed Sharif, which took aim at the PTI.

The demand was expressed not only by PTI President Barrister Gohar and jailed founder President Imran Khan, but also by PTI Central Information Secretary Raoof Hasan.

A year after the chaos of May 9, declared a 'Black Day' by the army, the PTI and the military establishment came face to face again on Tuesday when they accused each other of their alleged involvement in the violent events from last year. .

On May 9, 2023, the security establishment's facilities were reportedly attacked by enraged PTI activists and supporters after law enforcers arrested their party's founding president from the High Court premises in Islamabad (IHC) for corruption.

Read more: Army insists on action against perpetrators of May 9 attacks, says riots have 'nothing hidden'

At the time, the PTI had said that arresting Imran would amount to crossing its red line. Following attacks on its installations, including martyrs' memorials, the army declared May 9 “Black Day”, calling it a “dark chapter” in the country's history.

Addressing the media following a meeting with former Prime Minister and PTI founder Imran Khan at Adiala jail in Rawalpindi, lawyer Gohar reiterated his party's demand to constitute a judicial commission to investigate the events of May 9.

However, in an unprecedented rebuttal to the military spokesperson's press conference, the PTI spokesperson separately held a press conference to respond to the allegations made by the military spokesperson.

“DG ISPR journalists are a pile of lies, full of contradictions, venomous, devoid of logic,” Raoof responded, saying a judicial commission should be tasked to investigate what the PTI considers to be an operation under false flag, to bring the orchestrators, authors and facilitators of May 9 to justice. He felt that the ISPR press conference would harm the relations between the state and the people.

The PTI spokesperson said the “May 9 false flag operation was a well-planned conspiracy to dismantle the PTI”, but added that it was rejected by the public during the February 8 general elections 2024.

At the press conference, Raoof questioned the factors that prompted the DG ISPR to hold “such an irrational, illogical and venomous press conference to target the largest political force in the country”.

Responding to DG ISPR's statement that there was no threat to democracy, Raoof said the military spokesperson was right when he said there was no threat to democracy because it does not currently exist in the country, asking how can anything be in danger. if it doesn't even exist.

He added that there was currently a dictatorship in the country.

Also read: Imran was aware of sensitivity of figure, FIA tells IHC

The party spokesperson claimed that several attempts had been made to target the PTI. “However, as time passes and their frustration increases, there has been an increase in intensity and venom targeting the PTI,” he added. Raoof said the DG ISPR was finally willing to have a judicial commission constituted to probe the May 9 incidents, but with certain conditions attached.

Raoof asserted that the judicial commission must be constituted as the PTI had been demanding for a year “but not subject to the army” so that the nation can know the truth whether the PTI is responsible for the tragic incident of May 9 or those who accuse the PTI. .

He went on to say that the PTI was openly disputing the claims of DG ISPR and they should present every shred of evidence related to May 9 and the PTI would present its evidence in this regard before the judicial commission to establish how and why the incidents of May 9 occurred.

Raoof said the judicial commission should investigate the 2014 sit-in, but the PTI demands that the commission also expand its scope to conduct a transparent investigation into the May 9 incidents, the plot for regime change , the mandate stolen following blatant electoral fraud on February 8 and the assassination attempt. on PTI Founder President Imran Khan, Crypto Conspiracy, Audio/Video Leaks, Forced Disappearances and Political Engineering in the Country to Dismantle PTI.

The PTI CIS stressed that the judicial commission should be constituted now to bring the real culprits of the May 9 incidents before the nation so that no one can hold a press conference against the PTI every two months.

Raoof said the DG ISPR claimed that all the visuals of the May 9 incidents were captured by the camera eye, but asked where were all the CCTV footage relating to the arrest of Imran Khan and at the corps commander's house and others, saying they had apparently disappeared to cover up the incident. crime.

On DG ISPR's attempt to distort facts regarding the election results that PTI holds only 7% of the popular vote, Raoof said, “There is a limit to lies,” adding that PTI is the largest political party in the country, with representation in every province in the country. country with more than 170 seats in the National Assembly.

The PTI CIS said that political parties fraudulently imposed on the nation would not be able to gather 2,000 people, but if the PTI was allowed, it would gather more than 200,000 people in no time. “Let's see if the public is with them or with the person who has been unjustly imprisoned in Adiala for the past year,” he added.

Raoof also refuted the allegation that the PTI was a “terrorist group”, saying that a political party does not become a terrorist group and people would not believe it if someone said so. He said it was not PTI but those who hijacked elections, blocked Twitter and unleashed a reign of terror over the last two years were responsible for spreading chaos and anarchy in the country.

Speaking on the occasion, PTI lawyer Intazar Panjutha, who met Imran Khan in jail on Tuesday, said the former prime minister had supported the proposal to probe the events of May 9, but had also presented three requests: on whose orders he had been arrested at Islamabad High School. Court (IHC); who stole CCTV footage from IHC; and who ordered the police not to register FIRs reporting killings of PTI workers following the May 9 saga.




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