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Donald Trump Falsely Tells Supporters He Won Minnesota in 2020

Donald Trump Falsely Tells Supporters He Won Minnesota in 2020
Donald Trump Falsely Tells Supporters He Won Minnesota in 2020


By Gram Slattery

(Reuters) – Donald Trump falsely claimed on Friday that he won the 2020 presidential election in Minnesota and would win this year in the state that has not voted for a Republican presidential candidate in more than 50 years.

In a speech at the Republican Party of Minnesota's annual Lincoln-Reagan dinner in St. Paul, Trump reiterated the unfounded claim that the last presidential election, which he lost to Joe Biden, a Democrat, had been tainted by widespread fraud.

“I know we won (Minnesota) in 2020,” Trump said to applause. “We have to be careful. We have to watch these votes.”

Before their November 5 presidential rematch, Trump campaign officials insisted publicly and privately that Trump could beat Biden in Minnesota. Although an upset in the state appears possible, available polls and the state's political history indicate the former president faces an uphill battle.

Major independent polls give Biden a slim but consistent lead in Minnesota — typically between 2 and 4 percentage points. A Trump campaign official would not say directly whether they planned to devote resources to the state.

As rural areas of Minnesota have shifted toward Republicans over the past decade, suburban areas around Minneapolis have shifted toward Democrats, reflecting broader trends nationwide.

During his speech, Trump reiterated his calls for a “mass deportation” of illegal immigrants in the country, and he doubled down on his promise to build a new missile defense system, comparing it to Israel's “Iron Dome” program.

He also suggested that North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, a former primary rival who introduced Trump Friday night, was a leading contender for vice president.

“A lot of people think he’s that guy,” Trump said of Burgum. “He is very good.”

As in other recent speeches, Trump launched personal and even profane attacks at Biden throughout the evening, at one point saying the president was “full of shit.”

During presidential campaigns, it's common for major candidates to insist that they can win states that appear to be within reach. Biden officials say they have a chance to win Florida, although he trails there by about 10 points in most polls.

(Reporting by Gram Slattery in Dallas; editing by William Mallard)




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