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Narendra Modi calls Calcutta HC verdict on Muslim quotas a 'slap in the face'; Mamata Banerjee warns BJP over 1,000 crore notice | Latest news India

Narendra Modi calls Calcutta HC verdict on Muslim quotas a 'slap in the face';  Mamata Banerjee warns BJP over 1,000 crore notice |  Latest news India


Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday said the Calcutta High Court's verdict, quashing the OBC status given to '77 classes' in West Bengal, was a severe slap in the face of opposition bloc INDIA. Meanwhile, Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee said she would not accept the verdict and her government may move the Supreme Court against the judgment. She also warned the BJP of a A $1,000 million defamation suit for allegedly tarnishing his government's achievements with false statements.

West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee addresses a public meeting in support of Trinamool Congress (TMC) candidate from Dum Dum seat Sougata Ray.  (ANI)
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee addresses a public meeting in support of Trinamool Congress (TMC) candidate from Dum Dum seat Sougata Ray. (ANI)

Striking down the eligibility for quotas, the High Court observed that “religion appears to have been the only criterion” for classifying these backward classes (OBCs). In a strongly worded statement, the court said it was not free from doubts that “the said community (Muslims) has been treated as a commodity for political purposes.”

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“This is clear from the chain of events which led to the classification of the 77 classes as OBCs and their inclusion to be treated as vote bank,” the court added, PTI reported.

Reacting to the development, PM Modi said the West Bengal government had crossed all limits in its obsession with appeasement politics. Addressing a rally in Dwarka, PM Modi said the opposition accused him of making communal statements every time he uttered the word Muslim, but he only exposed the latter by stating facts.

Even today, the Calcutta High Court gave a big slap to this INDI alliance. The court canceled all OBC certificates issued since 2010. Why? Because the West Bengal government issued unwarranted OBC certificates to Muslims just because of vote bank,” he said.

He also accused the opposition of carrying out what he called “vote jihad”.

Meanwhile, Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee, addressing an election rally at Khardah in Dumdum Lok Sabha constituency, said that OBC reservation would continue in West Bengal.

“The OBC reservation quota introduced by the West Bengal government will continue. We had drafted the bill after conducting a door-to-door survey, and it was passed by the cabinet and assembly, he -she declared.

“If necessary, we will approach a higher court (against the order),” she added.

Referring to the Calcutta High Court's May 20 order restraining the BJP from publishing advertisements violating the model code of conduct, the Bengal chief minister promised that she would file a defamation case. 1,000 crore against the party for “peddling lies about its achievements”.

SC, ST, OBC get the rights as per the Constitution. Minorities also have their rights. Can anyone say that they will frame legislation only for the benefit of Hindus and leave out Muslims and other communities? “, she said, according to PTI.

“I am going to file a complaint for defamation 1000 crore (against the BJP) for peddling lies about their achievements and also for making false accusations against me and my plans. I had not taken a single paisa in my entire political career. And I will distribute the entire amount to the people, she added.




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