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Turkish president accuses opposition of fueling racism after anti-Syrian riots

Turkish president accuses opposition of fueling racism after anti-Syrian riots


ANKARA, Turkey (AP) Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan blamed opposition parties to stir up xenophobia and racism Monday, a day after residents of a central Turkish neighborhood set fire to Syrian-owned shops.

The riots broke out on Sunday evening in the Melikgazi region of the central Kayseri province following reports that a Syrian refugee had sexually harassed a 7-year-old Syrian girl. Outraged residents overturned cars and set fire to stores, calling on the Syrians to leave.

At least 67 people suspected of involvement in the violence have been arrested, Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya said on the social media platform X.

In a televised speech on Monday, Erdogan accused opposition parties, which have advocated for the repatriation of refugees, of inciting violence.

Erdogan said nothing can be accomplished by fueling xenophobia and hatred of refugees in society. One of the reasons for the tragic incident caused yesterday by a small group in Kayseri is the toxic discourse of the opposition.

When the civil war in Syria broke out in 2011, Turkey welcomed Syrian refugees with compassion, becoming the country hosting the largest refugee population in the world. As the population grew and Turkey faced increasing economic difficulties, anti-migrant sentiment grew. Opposition parties are demanding the repatriation of Syrians.

Authorities said the alleged attacker was arrested while the girl, her siblings and mother were placed under state protection where they will receive psychological support.

The violence against Syrians in Kayseri has sparked violent reactions, in some cases, in opposition-held areas in northwest Syria, including those controlled by Turkish-backed forces.

In Syria's Aleppo province, near the border with Turkey, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that dozens of people gathered at the main roundabout in the town of al-Rai to block the entry of Turkish convoys and trucks and also prevented Turkish trucks from entering the town of al-Bab.

Videos posted on social media show young men and boys armed with stones and sticks chasing a truck with Turkish writing on it. Protesters also chased away employees of a Turkish post office in the Syrian town of Azaz, the OSDH said.

The explosions came amid growing tensions in areas controlled by the Syrian opposition, following apparent attempts at rapprochement between Ankara and the government of Bashar al-Assad in Damascus, including plans to open a passage between the government-controlled areas and those controlled by Turkish-backed opposition forces. Aleppo province.

The Idlib-based Salvation Government of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, known as HTS, an insurgent group formerly linked to al-Qaeda that controls other areas of northwest Syria, issued a statement calling for Turkey to assume its legal and moral responsibilities to protect Syrian refugees. .

In 2021, similar anti-Syrian riots broke out in an Ankara neighborhood after a Turkish teenager was stabbed to death during a fight with a group of Syrian youths. Hundreds of people chanting anti-immigrant slogans took to the streets, vandalizing Syrian-run stores and throwing stones at refugees' homes.

Turkey is home to 3.6 million refugees, according to government figures, although some say the actual population could be much higher.


Ghaith Alsayed in Idlib, Syria, contributed.

Susan Fraser, Associated Press




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