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Rahul Gandhi to visit Manipur, meet victims on day of PM Narendra Modi's visit to Russia

Rahul Gandhi to visit Manipur, meet victims on day of PM Narendra Modi's visit to Russia
Rahul Gandhi to visit Manipur, meet victims on day of PM Narendra Modi's visit to Russia


NEW DELHI, JULY 6: Opposition leader Rahul Gandhi will visit strife-torn Manipur state on Monday, the same day Prime Minister Narendra Modi leaves for a three-day visit to Russia and Austria.
“Rahul Gandhi will visit Manipur on Monday and meet the victims of violence in the state,” Manipur Congress president Keisham Meghachandra Singh told Telegraph Online.
Modi has not visited Manipur, a state ruled by his BJP, since ethnic violence erupted there more than a year ago. More than 200 people have been killed and the violence has left more than 60,000 homeless in the northeastern Indian state, which borders Myanmar.
Rahul had started his Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra from Thoubal of Manipur on January 14, 2024.
Here is his planned itinerary in Manipur on Monday:
He is supposed to land in Silchar in the morning, visit the relief camps in Fulertal in Assam, then go to the relief camps in Jiribam in Manipur, then to Churachandpur and then to Moirang. In the evening, he is supposed to meet the governor and hold a press conference. He is then supposed to take a flight.
Focus on Manipur
The Rae Bareli MP had visited Moirang and Churachandpur relief camps in Manipur during a two-day visit in June 2023.
In the Lok Sabha elections, the Congress won both Inner and Outer Manipur Lok Sabha seats, crushing the BJP.
In his maiden speech in the Lok Sabha around midnight on July 1, Congress MP from Inner Manipur, Angomcha Bimol Akoijam, had lambasted Modi and the BJP for their silence on Manipur.
On Wednesday, Modi broke his public silence on Manipur in his response to the president's motion of thanks. The prime minister accused the opposition of trying to extract political dividends from state violence, which he said was on the decline.
Normalcy, Modi had said, would soon be restored.
“We have to recognise the fact that incidents of violence in Manipur are on a continuous downward trajectory,” he said.
Modi insisted that businesses have opened in most parts of the state and all efforts are being made to ensure a return to complete peace.
On the ground, the situation seems different. While the guns have indeed fallen silent in recent days, heavy rains and floods have made the situation worse.
“The government has done nothing so far to ensure that people can return to their homes,” said Ronid “Akhu” Chingangbam, an Imphal-based musician and activist.
“The Meiteis cannot go to the hills and the Kukis to the valley. Because of the floods, everything is closed for 3-4 days. The firing may have stopped for now, but everything else remains the same.”
(Permission: TT)




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