WATCH: Trump holds campaign rally in Albuquerque, New Mexico
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) Donald Trump is traveling to New Mexico and Virginia in the final days of the campaign, taking a risky detour from the seven battleground states to spend time in places where Republican presidential candidates presidential election have not won in decades.
Watch Trump's remarks in the player above.
The former president campaigned in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on Thursday and was scheduled to travel to Salem, Virginia, on Saturday.
Team Trump projects optimism based in part on early voting numbers and believes he can be competitive against Democrat Kamala Harris in the two New Mexico states in particular, if he wins the key Nevada states and Arizona. This hope comes even though neither New Mexico nor Virginia have had a Republican candidate in the White House since George W. Bush in 2004.
Over the past few months in particular, the battleground states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin have seen a steady stream of candidate visits, and residents were bombarded with political ads on billboards, televisions and smartphones. In the past two weeks alone, presidential and vice presidential candidates have made 21 appearances in Pennsylvania, 17 in Michigan and 13 in North Carolina.
WATCH: Harris and Trump drive through North Carolina with less than a week to campaign
In the other 43 states, a candidate's visit is an exciting new development.
Trump retains fervent support groups, even in states that vote overwhelmingly against him, and he can easily fill his rallies with enthusiastic supporters.
He has recently taken other detours from states most in play, holding rallies at Madison Square Garden in New York and Coachella, Calif., in states even more solidly Democratic than New Mexico and Virginia. The events satisfied Trump's claims that he can win both states, but also aimed to attract maximum media attention as his campaign seeks to reach voters who don't follow political news closely.
Trump also showed up in solidly Republican Montana, and Trump and Harris campaigned on the same day last week in Texas, which Democrats last won in 1976.
These trips had other purposes, such as highlighting important issues in a state or supporting candidates for the House or Senate.
Trump said in Albuquerque he could win the state as long as the election was fair, repeating lies about past elections being rigged.
If we could get God to come down from heaven, he could be the vote counter and we could win,” Trump said. He added that he was visiting New Mexico because it was good for my credentials with Hispanic voters .
Trump's strategy carries risks.
After losing to Trump in 2016, Democrat Hillary Clinton was criticized for traveling to Arizona late in the campaign instead of spending time in Wisconsin, Michigan or Pennsylvania, states that ultimately decided this election. Arizona is a battleground today, but it wasn't considered particularly competitive eight years ago, when it voted for Trump by a margin of 4 percentage points.
I don't think there's a strategy, said Bob Shrum, a longtime Democratic political consultant who has worked on many presidential campaigns and now directs the Center for the Political Future at the University of Southern California . I think he insisted on doing it. This doesn't make any sense.
New Mexico shutdown brings Trump to border state
The planned visit to Albuquerque brings Trump and his immigration stance to a border state with the nation's highest concentration of Latino voters, highlighting the campaign for Hispanic supporters.
About 44% of New Mexico's voting-age population identifies as Hispanic. Many have centuries-old ties to Mexican and Spanish colonies, while the state has a lower share of foreign-born residents than the national average.
At the same time, federal and local authorities in New Mexico are facing a surge in migrant deaths along the U.S. border with Mexico.
Trump's visit has implications for a swing congressional district that stretches from Albuquerque to the border with Mexico. It is now held by a Democrat as Republicans seek to maintain their narrow majority in the House. Immigration was a major issue in the race.
Also on the ballot, Democratic Sen. Martin Heinrich is seeking a third term against Republican Nella Domenici. She is the daughter of the late Republican Sen. Pete Domenici, who served six terms, from 1973 to 2009 and was the last New Mexico Republican elected to the Senate.
Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. remains on the ballot in New Mexico, and campaign signs supporting Kennedy appeared in the capital Santa Fe in late October, about two months after the withdrawal of Kennedy's race and his support for Trump.
New Mexico voters defeated Trump twice in elections, and Democrats hold every statewide elected office, all three congressional seats, and majorities in the state House and Senate .
It just takes us back to what the United States should be, said Leandra Dominguez of Albuquerque, 45, before Trump spoke. He just collapsed. We just need someone to save us.
Associated Press writers Jill Colvin in New York, Morgan Lee in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and Olivia Diaz in Richmond, Virginia, contributed to this report.
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