Engineer, hacker and Ron DeSantis fan: five things about Kemi Badenoch | Kemi Badenoch
1. She's an engineer but not the type to build bridges
During the campaign, Badenoch made much of his engineering training, arguing that it allowed him to view problems analytically, without ideological burden. She's not wrong to call herself an engineer, but her undergraduate degree and master's degree, from the University of Sussex, were in computer systems engineering.
She then worked as a software engineer, before moving into consulting and financial services. Badenoch might also consider herself a lawyer, having also completed a part-time Bachelor of Laws at Birkbeck, University of London, but she tends to be more discreet about it.
2. She's a fan of Ron DeSantis, and it's mutual
Although Badenoch has managed to present herself as the more moderate of the latter two candidates, she is an enthusiastic American culture warrior and has won the admiration of Ron DeSantis, the hard-line Republican governor of Florida, who waged its own battles against the apparent scourge of woke thought, including the banning of many books from school libraries.
Endorsing Badenoch to be conservative leader, DeSantis she said flies the brightly colored flag of conservatism. The two men became acquainted when Badenoch was Commerce Secretary, along with DeSantis telling a British newspaper that she told him she supported his policies, which also included a series of policies targeting LGBTQ+ communities.
She complimented what we're doing in Florida, DeSantis said. She claimed that was what they were trying to do in Britain.
3. Some of the fights she chooses are curious and minor
Perhaps one of the things Badenoch is best known for among voters is his willingness to get into a fight and some appreciate his pugilistic approach. But some Conservative MPs fear that it will be too random on this subject.
Perhaps the most striking example came in 2021, when the then relatively little-known Equalities Minister took to Twitter to castigate a journalist for his creepy and bizarre behavior by asking what appeared to be fairly routine questions. Boris Johnson's Number 10 defended Badenoch, but privately a number of officials and MPs were baffled.
4. Sometimes she can also attack the conservative right
Although Badenoch is, by most definitions, on the populist side of her party and has always supported leaving the EU, unlike Robert Jenrick, she is not universally popular with the right wing of the Conservatives in favor of Brexit.
Part of this dates back to 2023 when, as business secretary, Badenoch reversed course on a promise to scrap thousands of EU laws retained in the UK's statutes by the end of the year . Badenoch presented this as pragmatism, but faced open fury from Brexit Tories such as Mark Francois.
Some of the anger was simply the result of the decision, but some came from Badenoch's own approach, responding to an urgent Commons question on the subject with, as one observer put it, sometimes astonishing rudeness.
5. She Hacked Harriet Harmans Website and Admitted It
Normally, when politicians are asked in interviews to name the nastiest thing they've ever done, they concoct a charmingly self-effacing anecdote about a slight commotion. When Badenoch was questioned, she admitted a potential violation of the Computer Misuse Act, an offense punishable by up to five years in prison.
It was in 2018 when a video emerged of Badenoch answering the question, in which the then new MP said: About 10 years ago I hacked a Labor MP's website and I changed things to say nice things about conservatives.
It turned out she had posted a fake message on Harriet Harmans' website in 2008, claiming Harman had supported Boris Johnson in the London mayoral election, after guessing the site's password. Fortunately, Harman accepted his apology.
Sources 2/ https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2024/nov/02/engineer-hacker-and-ron-desantis-fan-five-things-about-kemi-badenoch The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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