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US elections: 3 days left What the polls say, what Harris and Trump are preparing | US Election News 2024

US elections: 3 days left What the polls say, what Harris and Trump are preparing | US Election News 2024


US presidential candidates campaigned in key Midwestern states Michigan and Wisconsin on Friday, seeking to attract voters.

At rallies, Vice President Kamala Harris criticized former President Donald Trump for his remarks earlier this week, suggesting that former Republican Rep. Liz Cheney, a staunch Trump critic, should have guns trained on her. Trump has previously suggested that Cheney should face military tribunals.

Meanwhile, at his rallies, Trump insisted that the gun comment was a legitimate criticism of Cheney's hawkish foreign policy stance: If she encouraged wars, she should be forced to do so. fight herself.

What are the latest poll updates?

Nationally, the FiveThirtyEights poll shows Harris ahead by 1.3 points, as she was last week, and about where she and Trump have been in recent days, but by a much wider margin. close to the 2.8 percentage points with which it was exactly ahead. a month ago.

In swing states, which could determine the outcome of the elections, the competition is even tighter.

The key battleground states are Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia, Michigan, Arizona, Wisconsin and Nevada.

Daily poll tracking FiveThirtyEights indicates Harris' lead in Michigan is about 1 point. However, she lost her lead in Nevada, where Trump now leads by 0.4 points.

In Wisconsin, its lead increased to 0.8 points, compared to 0.6 on Thursday.

Meanwhile, Trump's advantage in Pennsylvania grew from 0.7 points to 0.1 points. Its lead in North Carolina continues and now stands at 1.3 points. Trump is also ahead by 2.1 points in Arizona and 1.5 points in Georgia. However, all of these gaps are within the margin of error in the polls, so the two candidates find themselves effectively deadlocked in swing states.

What was Kamala Harris doing on Friday?

Harris spent his day in Wisconsin with events in Janesville, Little Chute, Madison and Milwaukee. Its events featured singers GloRilla, Cardi B and Flo Milli.

She blasted Trump for his verbal attack on Liz Cheney. Trump had attacked Cheney, suggesting that the former lawmaker who supported Harris in the race for the White House should face guns pointed at her for her political stance.

She's a radical war hawk, Trump said Thursday at a campaign event with former Fox News television host Tucker Carlson in Glendale, Ariz., also calling Cheney a deranged person and an individual very stupid.

Harris described Cheney as a true patriot and said Trump's increasing violent rhetoric should disqualify him from becoming president again.

The list of his enemies grew. Her rhetoric has become more extreme, Harris told reporters after arriving in Madison, Wisconsin, where she is stopping Friday. And it is even less focused than before on the needs, concerns, and challenges facing the American people.

At her rallies, she also promised to build an economy for ordinary people and listen to a wide range of voices, asking her supporters to encourage family and friends to vote.

CNN reported that the Harris campaign had shifted its messaging on Israel's war in Gaza, emphasizing different aspects of its stance on Israel in separate ads targeting undecided Jewish and Arab voters.

An ad running in Michigan, where Arab voters expressed anger over the Biden-Harris administration's provision of billions of dollars in military support for Israel's war in Gaza, indicates that Harris will not remain silent on the suffering of the Palestinians.

Harris, however, has refused demands to cut off military aid to Israel, despite a litany of violations of international law by the US ally.

Another ad targeting potential Jewish voters in Pennsylvania promises that Harris will defend Israel's right to defend itself and our forces and interests against Iran and Iranian-backed terrorists.

This video ad removes part of her speech in which Harris describes the suffering in Gaza as heartbreaking.

What was Donald Trump doing on Friday?

At his rally in Milwaukee, about 10 miles from Harris' rally, Trump was joined by Republican politicians and other supporters such as Robert F. Kennedy Jr., before taking the stage for a speech that lasted more than 'an hour.

He pledged to prevent World War III. He called Harris a low IQ individual and said he would end inflation.

He also hyped fears about undocumented immigrants.

We want people to come to our country, that's what we want. But they have to enter legally, through a system. They must love us. They must love our country, Trump said.

And before concluding his remarks, he made one last reference to his opponent during the meeting: an uncooperative microphone.

I don't need to be here. But if I had a choice, I'd rather be here with a broken mic in Wisconsin. I would rather be in Wisconsin than on a beautiful beach.

Trump's campaign also insisted that the gun comment was a legitimate criticism of Cheney's hawkish foreign policy stance: If she encouraged wars, she should be forced to fight them herself.

In Milwaukee, Trump also walked back his false claims that he won the 2020 election, even though the results said otherwise.

You know, in 2016, I wanted to win Wisconsin so bad. He said it wasn't feasible, Trump said, gesturing to former Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson in the crowd.

You are a very difficult state, but I won it. I won it despite your difficulties. I actually won it twice, but those are minor details.

Trump didn't win Wisconsin twice. In 2020, Democrat Joe Biden won a victory over Trump in the state.

Trump also held a brief private meeting with members of the Arab-American community in the Detroit suburb of Dearborn before holding a rally in Warren, Michigan.

What's next for the Harris and Trump campaigns?

Harris travels to Charlotte, North Carolina

On Saturday, Harris will travel to the swing state of North Carolina for a rally in Charlotte. His gathering is expected to once again be a prestigious event with musicians Jon Bon Jovi and Khalid.

Democrats have not won the presidential election in North Carolina since 2008 and Harris wants to turn the page.

At a rally in Raleigh, North Carolina, on Wednesday, she insisted that Democrats are truly fighting for a democracy.

One person could be heard during the rally trying to yell at Harris, but it's unclear what exactly he was saying.

Unlike Donald Trump, I don't believe that those who disagree with me are the enemy, she said as the chants of the crowd drowned out the voices of the demonstrators. He wants to put them in jail, I'll give them a seat at the table.

I am committed to being a president for all Americans and always putting country before party and self,” she added.

Trump will also visit Charlotte, North Carolina

Trump, who was in North Carolina on Wednesday, will also travel to Charlotte on Saturday.

In the 2020 presidential race, Trump won his narrowest victory among the 50 states in North Carolina. During the next vote on November 5, the polls once again give Trump a small lead over his Democratic rival.

Paul Shumaker, a Republican operative, put it in stark terms for Al Jazeera: Republican registrations began to decline, while the number of unaffiliated voters gradually increased.

Today, there are no more liberal Republicans, and there are also fewer moderate Republicans, Shumaker said.

Political scientist Chris Cooper told Al Jazeera that North Carolina sits on a razor's edge between red and blue.

But it is a third category of voters, who identify neither as red nor as blue, who will ultimately be able to decide who will win.




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