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In India, Trump is seen as a peacemakerExBulletin

In India, Trump is seen as a peacemakerExBulletin


A kite maker in Amritsar, India, displays a kite with an image of Donald Trump on November 6. Narinder Nanu/AFP via Getty Images .

switch captionNarinder Nanu/AFP via Getty Images

CHENNAI, India On the eve of the US presidential election in Chennai, southern India, a retired professional said he was all for Donald Trump: 'He's the ideal man,' said Bala Raja, 84, sporting a New York cap.

Male voters, in particular, helped Trump win last week's US election. But thousands of miles away, even in Besant Nagar, the Chennai suburb where Kamala Harris' mother, Shyamala Gopalan, grew up, Indian men like Raja echoed Trump's support.

And why Trump? Restoration of peace, they said.

“He will control everyone,” Raja said after praying at the Varasiddhi Vinayaka temple overlooking the seaside, where Harris once walked with his grandfather during visits to his mother's homeland. “He will control the Chinese and the Russians,” Raja said.

Raja said he believed Russia would not have invaded Ukraine if Trump were in power: “[Trump] would have stopped the war. »

Next to him, another man nodded. When Trump first took office, R. Srikanth said, Russian leader Vladimir Putin did not dare invade Ukraine. This time, “he will talk to Putin,” Srikanth said of Trump. “The world wants some kind of peace so that everyone can grow.”

The two men, like Trump, did not explain how the US president-elect would end the wars or what policies he might pursue to convince warring parties to seek peace in Ukraine or Gaza.

The world's most populous country has always had a favorable opinion of Trump. In a June poll by the Pew Research Center, 42% of Indians said they had confidence in Trump, one of the highest global ratings at the time.

A villager watches the results of the 2024 US presidential election at a house in Vadluru, India, the ancestral village of the parents of Usha Vance, wife of Vice President-elect JD Vance, on November 6. Idrees Mohammed/AFP via Getty Images .

switch captionIdrees Mohammed/AFP via Getty Images

By gender, 51% of Indian men surveyed said they had confidence in Trump, and 32% of women. Only in Ghana, Nigeria and Bangladesh do a higher percentage of men express confidence in Trump. Indian media claims that India is home to more Trump-branded real estate than any other country in the world except the United States.

In India and elsewhere, the idea that Trump is a peacemaker is a recent phenomenon, says Sumitra Badrinathan, a political scientist at American University. “A lot of people around the world believe this talk that Trump is going to end wars. This is not unique to India,” she says.

This talk that Trump will end global conflicts was constantly repeated by the president-elect and his surrogates on the campaign trail, in person and online. It’s a theme he repeats on his social media, invoking the slogan “peace through strength.”

This rhetoric, filtered through WhatsApp groups, convinced Indians like Goutam Nimmagadda, a 29-year-old engineer, who watched the sunset by the Chennai seaside on US election day, November 5. ” Nimmagadda said, referring to Russia's invasion of Ukraine and Israel's war against Hamas in Gaza. “That's probably why people are saying Trump might be better for the world.”

Milan Vaishnav, director of the South Asia program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington, DC, believes that such perceptions can perhaps be better understood by India's experience under the first Trump administration.

Hindu priests perform a ritual for Donald Trump's victory ahead of the US elections, at Maa Baglamukhi Shakti Peeth, Dilshad Garden, in New Delhi on November 3. Ritik Jain/Reuters .

switch captionRitik Jain/Reuters

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi enjoyed close relations with Trump and was even celebrated with a campaign-style event billed as “Howdy Modi” at NRG Stadium in Houston in September 2019. The following February, India responded by a “Namaste Trump” event, where some 100,000 people crammed into a cricket stadium.

“Relations between the United States and India were not really in turmoil. [during the first Trump administration]. In fact, you could say it has gone from strength to strength,” says Vaishnav.

In a second Trump administration, analysts say the Indian government plans to strengthen trade ties with the United States and hopes to avoid punitive tariffs. The Indian government may also face less pressure over its human rights record and its purchases of Russian oil, despite Western embargoes.

The warm relations between the two leaders are also a factor, says Vaishnav.

People read news about the US elections at a roadside teahouse in Lucknow, India, on November 7. Rajesh Kumar Singh/AP .

rock the caption Rajesh Kumar Singh/AP

Perhaps, he said, that could be a reason why Indian men in particular might view Trump as a peacemaker. “They see similarities between Modi and Trump,” he says. “One of the things Modi has tried to do is position himself as a peacemaker,” Vaishnav said, referring to the Indian prime minister's summer meetings with Russian leader Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. The meetings were spaced six weeks apart and at each, Modi hugged his host.

“It’s the idea that we live in this chaotic world,” says Vaishnav. “There's a lot of instability, there's a lot of volatility globally. And we need these kinds of larger-than-life strongman figures to essentially stabilize this system.”

There could be an entirely different reason why some now think Trump will end the conflict. “I think we have to look at a simple explanation,” says Badrinathan of American University, “which is that they didn't hear any other message. This was the only one they heard.”




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