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Trump assembles a team of loyalists after conflicts with Cabinet members in his first termExBulletin

Trump assembles a team of loyalists after conflicts with Cabinet members in his first termExBulletin


Former President Donald Trump arrives to speak at an election night event November 6 in West Palm Beach, Florida. Win McNamee/Getty Images .

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President-elect Donald Trump is nominating nominees to his cabinet at a breakneck pace. The types of people he selects reflect the extent to which he has remade the Republican Party in his own image.

Instead of Lincoln's team of rivals, the title of Doris Kearns Goodwin's book about the presidential cabinet assembled by the 16th president, Trump's cabinet is shaping up to be a “team of loyalists.” This is in many ways a very different kind of group than the one he assembled in 2016. At the time, Trump was a political newbie. He didn't know Washington's ways and didn't have many friends there.

So many of his picks came from more traditional GOP circles. There was a lot of “getting to know you” effort and a lot of turmoil and conflict when some people got in his way. That has changed this time around, as his strength with the party base has exploded.

Trump surrounds himself with people who can amplify his message and who are supportive of how he wants to reshape executive power. Here are some of the sample picks so far and the differences from 2016:

Health and social services:


2024: Pete Hegseth, Fox News personality and former National Guardsman. 2016: Retired Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis, who fell out with Trump and called him a threat to the Constitution.

Internal security:

2024: Gov. Kristi Noem, R.S.D., a Trump loyalist who campaigned with Trump, will play a crucial role in Trump's efforts to crack down on illegal immigration and deport millions of people. She called what's happening at the border an “invasion” and Trump praised the fact that during her tenure as governor she sent National Guard troops to the border with Mexico. 2016: Retired Marine Corps General John Kelly, who later became the head of but denounced him as meeting the definition of a “fascist”.

Director of National Intelligence:

2024: Former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, a former Democrat who has questioned U.S. intelligence, echoed Russian lines like accusing NATO of being responsible for Russia's invasion of Ukraine and spoke positively of Al-Assad in Syria even after the United States accused him of using chemical weapons against him. his own people2016: former Indiana senator Dan Coats, who was mild-mannered and also fell out with Trump. They clashed over North Korea and Russia and he left shortly before a whistleblower complaint about Trump's conduct during a call with Ukraine's president that led to one of Trump's impeachments.

Secretary of State:

United Nations Ambassador:

2024: Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., who started as a moderate member from upstate New York, became one of the most pro-Trump loyalists in Congress 2016: former Gov. Nikki Haley, R-S.C. ., came from the more traditionalist wing of the party. the GOP and later ran against Trump, calling him “unbalanced” before losing, supporting him and finding himself outside the new Trump administration.


2024: Former Rep. John Ratcliffe, R-Texas, who served as Trump's DNI from 2020 to 2021. 2016: Former Rep. Mike Pompeo, R-Kan., who was once a staunch Trump defender, then flirted with the idea of ​​running against him, telling conservatives to shy away from “celebrity leaders” with “fragile egos.” He is now on the outside looking in.

Attorney General:

2024: Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., among the staunchest Trump loyalists in Congress but with no experience as a prosecutor and who was under investigation by the House Ethics Committee for sexual misconduct and illicit drug use. 2016: Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., a very conservative senator, who was the first in the House to support Trump, but who also later fell out with him over his insistence on the independence of the DOJ.




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