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University of Idaho, Moscow police under scrutiny for alleged assault by football players

University of Idaho, Moscow police under scrutiny for alleged assault by football players


The attorney for Timmy Reed and his family is calling on the University of Idaho to hold the football players accountable for their alleged acts of violence.

MOSCOW, Idaho The attorney representing a man whose son was allegedly knocked unconscious by a group of University of Idaho football players is demanding answers from the university.

Tim Gresback, the attorney for Nick Reed and his son, Timmy Reed, released a lengthy statement regarding the early February incident in which Timmy was allegedly punched and knocked unconscious after asking a group of Vandal football players to leave his home. In the statement, Gresback said the university and the Moscow Police Department (MPD) did not do enough to get to the bottom of the incident and demanded answers as soon as possible.

“The reason we are here today is because Timmy and his parents do not want other Vandals to go through what they went through,” Gresback wrote in a statement. “Not only does Timmy want to feel safe, he also respectfully demands individual, institutional and community responsibility.”

According to Gresback, on the night of February 10, 2024, a large group of people, some of whom are believed to be University of Idaho football players, showed up at Timmy Reed's house. He reportedly had a party at his home that evening with some other members of his fraternity, Beta Theta Pi.

Timmy Reed claimed the group numbered as many as 50 people, saying some of them were wearing face masks and carrying PVC pipes. Gresback said it's not clear why the crowd showed up, but Timmy Reed asked everyone to leave his house. At that moment, someone from the crowd allegedly punched him in the face, causing him to fall, hit his head on the ground and become unconscious. According to Gresback, he suffered a concussion, a black eye and a broken nose.

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“The Reed family, like me, wonders how the Vandal community can allow a culture like this to exist,” Gresback said. “The footballer identified as the perpetrator should not be the only party held to account. In a sense, he is also the victim of a toxic, out of control, arrogant Vandal football culture that tolerates violence but lacks leadership.”

In the statement, Gresback called on university President Scott Green to hold the alleged offenders accountable.

“We respectfully demand that the university respond substantively by Friday, May 3, so that students can enter finals week knowing that President Green cares about their safety.”

You can read Gresback's full statement below:

Moscow police said the investigation into the incident is ongoing and the department hopes the investigation will be completed soon.

The University of Idaho released the following statement about the incident and subsequent investigation:

The University is aware of an off-campus, after-hours incident at a private residence on February 10 that was reportedly violent in nature. We are disappointed that violence appears to have been chosen and our thoughts go out to Tim Reed and his family. This would fall into the criminal domain and fall under the jurisdiction of the Moscow police. Students believed to be involved have been contacted and asked to participate in a university investigation into possible violations of the Student Code of Conduct or other policy violations. The University cannot force students to participate, but encourages anyone with information to contact the Office of Civil Rights and Investigations. We will continue to investigate this incident and the information provided by those who participated in the investigation. Whenever the safety of one of our students is questioned, we are deeply concerned and do our best to understand the facts and take action accordingly. We are confident that the Moscow Police will follow their investigative processes.



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