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NCAA Men's Tennis Reviews – Day One

NCAA Men's Tennis Reviews – Day One
NCAA Men's Tennis Reviews – Day One


ST. No. 2 AUGUSTINE (ITA Collegiate Division II Rankings) Flagler College defeated No. 28 University of Mount Olive 4-0 in an NCAA Division II Southeast Region No. 1 men's tennis match Monday afternoon at the Pollard Tennis Center.

Flagler extended its winning streak to 14 games and improved to 18-2 overall. The Saints advance to tomorrow's preliminary final at 11 a.m. and will face the winner of the Lander University-Wingate University match. Mount Olive finished the season with a 17-6 record.

The Saints quickly earned the first team point. 29th-ranked Ilian Borlee and Baptiste Mercier cruised to a 6-0 victory before the 37th-ranked team of Philipp Lemken and Simon Malis won 6-3 to clinch the point.

In singles, Borlee won in straight sets 6-2, 6-1, while Mercier, ranked No. 10 in the country, defeated Kristoffer Dalbak 6-4, 6-0. The match ended when Lemken won his match 6-1 and 6-2.

#2 Flagler 4, #28 Mount of Olives 0
05-13-24 in St. Augustine, FL (Pollard Tennis Center)

Singles competition

1. #19 Jacopo Denitto (FLG) def. G. Zotin de Oliveira (UMO) 6-2, 5-2, unfinished
2. #10 Baptiste Mercier (FLG) def. Kristoffer Dalbak (UMO) 6-4, 6-0
3. Simon Malis (FLG) def. Niklas Gruenefeldt (UMO) 3-6, 6-1, 2-1, unfinished
4. Ilian Borlee (FLG) def. Bram Poel (UMO) 6-2, 6-1
5. Philipp Lemken (FLG) def. Kabir Chhabria (UMO) 6-1, 6-2
6. Makary Adamek (FLG) vs. Adam Ibrahim (UMO) 6-3, 3-2, unfinished

Doubles competition

1. #37 Philipp Lemken/Simon Malice (FLG) def. G. Zotin de Oliveira/Christoffer Dalbak (UMO) 6-3
2. #29 Ilian Borlee/Baptiste Mercier (FLG) def. Bram Poel/Lenn Hoffmann (UMO) 6-0
3. Makary Adamek/Max Berner (FLG) vs. Makary Adamek (FLG) Niklas Gruenefeldt/Adam Ibrahim (UMO) 4-4, unfinished

Match notes

Mount of Olives 17-6; National Ranking #28
Flagship 18-2; National Ranking #2
Order of finish: Doubles (2,1); Singles (4,2,5)
NCAA Division II Southeast Region No. 2
#8 Mount Olive at #1 Flagler

AUBURN, Ala.– The Columbus State University men's tennis team eliminated Belmont Abbey College in the semifinals of the Southeast Regional #2 on Tuesday afternoon, winning 5-0. The regional is hosted by Columbus State at the Yarbrough Tennis Center in Auburn, Ala.

The Cougars took match point in doubles as the No. 1 and No. 3 teams won. The duo of Felix Steen and Thomas Cardona defeated Chase Martin and Jackson Korta 6-2 in the first spot, and Andreas Sandrone and Elias Peter defeated Tim Stemler and Noelle Andrey Ampong 7-6 in the third spot.

CSU won four singles matches to secure the victory, with the No. 1 and No. 3 matches ending at the exact same time.

  1. Wales for sure. Maarten 6-1, 6-2
  2. Cardona def. Winstead 6-1, 6-3
  3. Certainly possible. Cary 6-1, 6-3
  4. Andreas Sandrone def. Golindano 6-3, 6-3


Columbus State will play in the regional finals on Tuesday, May 14 at noon central standard time in Auburn. CSU will play the winner of North Georgia and Augusta.

AUBURN, Ala. The University of North Georgia's No. 10 men's tennis team advanced to the second round of the 2024 NCAA Men's Tennis Tournament Monday afternoon after a 4-0 victory over sixth-seeded Augusta in the opening round.

The Nighthawks quickly won the doubles point after wins at the #1 and #2 spots.

SeniorJoaquin Benoitand juniorRobin Eldincruised to a 6-1 in the #1 match while a seniorGiulio Sassiand freshmenMarcos Castellanoscruised to a 6-2 victory in the #2 competition to clinch the point.

Sassi continued his quality singles play with a 6-4, 6-4 victory over Herick Isago in the #2 doubles match.

Eldin needed a tiebreak in the first set of his third-place singles match, but ultimately emerged victorious by a 7-6 (6-2 tiebreak), 6-4 margin.

Benoit went on to win the match with a comeback win at #1 singles. He dropped the first set to Augusta's Enzo Garutti 2-6. The 2024 PBC Co-Player of the Year then powered to the next two sets with 6-0 and 6-3 victories, sealing the match.

With the win, UNG advances to the finals of the Southeast Region #2 Tournament, where they will face second-seeded host and Intercollegiate Tennis Association No. 6 Columbus State. The Cougars also earned an easy victory in their first match, defeating the seventh-ranked team. seeded Belmont Abbey 5-0.

The Nighthawks will have a chance to avenge a pair of regular season losses to CSU. On the road, UNG dropped a 5-2 game to the Cougars in mid-April before falling again 4-1 in the semifinals of the Peach Belt Conference Tournament. The winner will advance to the 2024 NCAA Division II Spring Sports Festival, May 21-25 in Orlando, Florida.

The Nighthawks are historically winless in 28 tries against CSU. They'll take their shot at win number one tomorrow, Tuesday, May 14 at 1 p.m. at Auburn's Yarbrough Tennis Center in Auburn, Ala.

Saint Augustine, Fla. Wingate defeated Lander 4-1 on Monday afternoon in the opening round of the NCAA Southeast Regional.

The Bulldogs posted wins in the number one and two doubles matches to take the doubles point.

Mouad Naouig earned an outright victory at number five singles to give Lander the only point. Wingate won in the number three, four and six positions to take the win and advance.




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