Ohio high school football third round OHSAA playoff schedule
(This story has been updated to add the games' sites.)
Here are the pairings for the third round of the 2024 Ohio high school playoffs. The games, which are regional semifinals, are scheduled for Friday at 7 p.m. Central Ohio teams are in bold.
Division I
Region 1
1. Mentor (12-0) vs. 5. Canton McKinley (8-4) at Medina High School's Ken Dukes Stadium
7. Lakewood St. Edward (7-5) vs. 3. Perrysburg (10-2) at Elyria High School Mercy Field at Ely Stadium
Region 2
8. Huber Heights Wayne (7-5) vs 5. Hilliard Davidson (8-4) at Miami Trace High School Tonys Welding and Fabrication Stadium
14. Dublin Coffman (4-8) vs. 2. Centerville (9-3) at Springfield High School Wildcat Stadium
Region 3
1. Olentangy Freedom (10-2) vs 5. Upper Arlington (10-2) at Westerville Central High School
7. Pickerington North (10-2) vs 6. Olentangy Berlin (10-2) in the DeSales Alumni Stadium
Region 4
1. Cincinnati Moeller (11-1) vs. 4. Cincinnati Princeton (10-2) at Mason High School Tri-Health/Beacon Stadium
2. West Chester Lakota West (11-1) vs. 6. Cincinnati St. Xavier (9-3) at Jake Sweeney Automotive Stadium in Cincinnati Princeton High School
Division II
Region 5
1. Cuyahoga Falls Walsh Jesuit (12-0) vs. 4. Austintown-Fitch (9-3) at Ravenna High School Portage Community Bank Stadium Harry Gilchrist Field
2. Akron Hoban (10-2) vs. 3. Macedonia Nordonia (10-2) at Barberton High School Sharkey Stadium
Region 6
1. Avon (12-0) vs. 5. Wadsworth (11-1) at Strongsville High School Pat Catan Stadium
2. Medina Highland (12-0) vs. 3. Whitehouse Anthony Wayne (12-0) at Bellevue High School First National Bank Field
Region 7
1. Large walnut (11-1) vs. 4. Ashland (12-0) at Marion Harding High School Ohio Health Field at Harding Stadium
3. Massillon Washington (10-2) vs. 7. Teays Valley (8-4) at Zanesville High School's Sulsberger Stadium
Region 8
1. Cincinnati Anderson (12-0) vs. 5. Cincinnati Mount Healthy (10-2) at Lakota East High School
2. Cincinnati La Salle (10-2) vs. 6. Harrison (10-2) at Hamilton Ross High School
Division III
Region 9
1. Youngstown Ursuline (11-1) vs. 4. Aurora (11-1) at North Canton Hoover High School Memorial Stadium
2. Gates Mills Gilmour Academy (11-1) vs. 3. Cuyahoga Falls CVCA (10-2) at Twinsburg High School Tiger Stadium
Region 10
1. Toledo Central Catholic (11-1) vs. 12. Lexington (7-5) at Tiffin Columbian Frost-Kalnow Stadium
7. Parma Padua Franciscan (7-5) vs. 3. Cleveland Benedictine (10-2) at North Royalton High School's Serpentini Stadium
Region 11
1. Watterson (12-0) vs 4. Lick Valley (11-1) at Licking Heights High School Hornet Stadium
2. Steubenville (12-0) vs. 11. Dover (9-3) at Carrollton High School Warrior Stadium
Region 12
8. St. Mary's Memorial (10-2) vs. 4. London (12-0) at Piqua High School Alexander Stadium
2. Wapakoneta (12-0) vs. 3. Bellbrook (11-1) at Troy High School Memorial Stadium
Division IV
Region 13
1. Mentor Lake Catholic (12-0) vs. 5. Cleveland Glenville (9-3) at Painesville Riverside High School
2. Perry (11-1) vs. 3. Streetsboro (12-0) at Burton Berkshire High School Great Lakes Cheese Stadium
Region 14
1. Sandusky Perkins (11-1) vs. No. 13 Napoleon (7-5) at Millbury Lake High School Community Stadium
2. Shelby (12-0) vs. 3. Ontario (11-1) at Mansfield Arlin Field
Region 15
1. St. Clairsville (12-0) vs. 13. Millersburg West Holmes (7-5) at New Philadelphia High School Quaker Stadium
2. Gnadenhutten Indian Valley (12-0) vs. 3. New Lexington (11-1) at Coshocton High School Stewart Field
Region 16
9. Cincinnati Indian Hill (9-3) vs. 5. Cincinnati Taft (10-2) at Milford High School Eagle Stadium Powered by Cullen Electric
10. Kettering Alter (7-5) vs. 6. Cleves Taylor (10-2) at Fairfield High School Christy Rose Dennis Stadium
Division V
Region 17
1. Canfield South Range (12-0) vs. 5. Sugarcreek Garaway (10-2) at Minerva High School Dr. Robert Hines Stadium
2. Akron Manchester (11-1) vs. 3. Poland Seminary (10-2) at Louisville High School Leopard Stadium
Region 18
1. Milan Edison (12-0) vs. 5. Pemberville Eastwood (11-1) at Clyde High School Robert J. Bishop Jr. Stage
2. Liberty Center (12-0) vs. 3. Oak Harbor (12-0) at Maumee High School Kazmaier Stadium
Region 19
1. Ironton (11-1) vs. 4. Harvest preparation (9-2) at Waverly High School Raidiger Field
7. Zanesville West Muskingum (9-2) vs. 14. Wheelersburg (8-4) at Athens Joe Burrow Stadium
Region 20
1. Jamestown Greeneview (12-0) vs. 5. Lewistown Indian Lake (10-2) at Fairborn High School Skyhawk Stadium
2. West Liberty-Salem (11-1) and 3. Waynesville (9-3) at Dayton Welcome Stadium
Division VI
Region 21
1. Kirtland (12-0) vs. 4. Columbia Station Columbia (10-2) at Brooklyn High School Coach Jerry Younger Field
2. New Middletown Springfield (9-2) vs. 2. 6. Dalton (8-3) at Alliance Marlington High School
Region 22
1. Bascom Hopewell-Loudon (11-0) vs. 4. Hamler Patrick Henry (10-2) at Findlay Donnell Stadium
2. Bluffton (11-1) vs. 3. Toledo Ottawa Hills (10-1) at the Defiance High School Fred Brown Athletic Complex
Region 23
1. Grandview Heights (11-0) vs. 4. Beverly Fort Frye (9-3) at Logan High School Chieftain Stadium
2. Galion Northmor (12-0) vs. 3. West Lafayette Ridgewood (11-1) at Newark White Field
Region 24
1. Coldwater (11-1) vs. 5. St. Bernard Elmwood Place (10-2) at Trotwood-Madison High School Miami Valley Hospital SportsPlex
2. Cincinnati Country Day (11-1) vs. 3. Anna (9-3) at Monroe High School Hornet Stadium
Division VII
Region 25
9. Cuyahoga Heights (7-4) and 5. Warren JFK (10-2) at Orwell Grand Valley High School
2. Jeromesville Hillsdale (11-1) at 3. Malvern (11-1) at Massillon Perry High School Wakefield Stadium
Region 26
1. Columbus Grove (12-0) vs. 4. Sycamore Mohawk (10-2) at Fostoria High School Memorial Stadium
15. Delphos St. Johns (5-7) vs. 11. Leipsic (8-4) at Ottawa-Glandorf High School's Titan Stadium
Region 27
1. Danville (10-2) vs. 5. Corning Miller (10-2) at Thornville Sheridan High School Paul Culver Jr. Stadium
2. Beaver Eastern (12-0) vs. 3. Bowerston Conotton Valley (9-3) at Heath High School Swank Field
Region 28
1. Maria Stein Marion Local (12-0) vs. 4. Ansonia (11-1) at Lima Spartan Stadium
2. Minster (10-2) vs. 3. Cincinnati College Prep (9-2) at Sidney High School Memorial Stadium
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