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Thanks to these sisters, the good boys and girls receive tennis balls

Thanks to these sisters, the good boys and girls receive tennis balls


Banjo didn't know what the day had in store when he woke up Friday at the SPCA Charlottesville-Albemarle.

The smoke-gray, year-and-a-half-old pit bull mix first arrived as a stray at the shelter on Berkmar Drive in July. He was soon adopted but returned in October, not really his fault, said Marissa Marston, the SPCA's social media manager.

You'd never guess his sad origin story last week if you saw him eagerly tied up in a room where a bin of tennis balls waited.

The story of how those tennis balls ended up in the shelter began four years ago in the small Mountain Lakes neighborhood of New Jersey. Future University of Virginia student Emily Samay was then a freshman on the Mountain Lakes High School tennis team. There was something bothering her.

We can't use tennis balls that often, she said. You should throw them away after you use them because they die quite quickly over the life of a tennis ball.

If you've ever walked past a tennis court, chances are you've seen discarded balls. Moreover, it takes 400 years for a single tennis ball to break down. And every year, 125 million tennis balls are dumped in landfills in the United States.

Samay learned these facts as she looked deeper into the problem. Her concern turned to passion.

Aces for the earth

Samay came up with an ace. She discovered a nonprofit in Vermont, RecycleBalls, that sells cylindrical bins that you attach to fences around tennis courts. Once a player's ball is used up, he can simply drop it in the waste bin. The contents are then sent north to be shredded and recycled into tennis courts, horse feet and playground equipment.

She started an organization, Aces for Earthto collect and ship the used balls and get them up and running at her school and on area tennis courts with the help of a GoFundMe campaign.

Emily's older sister, Ava, a fourth-year student at UVA, thought college was a natural fit for Aces for Earth and launched the program in August 2022, baking at the Sheridan Snyder Tennis Center, Boars Head Sports Club, St. Annes Belfield School and local fitness club ACAC.

The problem was that the GoFundMe money was running out and Ava was doing all the work herself. She needed help.

She turned to President Jim Ryan for ideas. They met in his office in Madison Hall. I was all dressed up. He was so nice and it was very casual, she said. He just wanted to hear about the idea and he thought it was a great idea.

Ryan suggested they get in touch UVA's Office of Sustainability and soon, Aces for Earth partnered with the Green Athletics group to increase student support for the initiative.

UVA is truly a student-centered university, where if a student has an idea, the staff and faculty are behind it. And in this case, President Ryan, Teri Strother, communicator at the sustainability office, said. It's really cool to see.

To date, Aces for Earth at UVA has recycled 6,000 tennis balls.

Last month, the sustainability office contacted the local SPCA to see if the shelter could use some tennis balls. The answer was yes.

This is where Banjo comes back into the picture.

Ava and Emily Samay brought him, and all the dogs at the shelter, piles of neon yellow bouncy balls, and it looked like Donkey Kong.




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