Shore Regional wins a dramatic Group 1 final
BORDENTOWN – It was an unusual, dramatic and bizarre way to decide a state championship game, but the players on the Shore Regional High School field hockey team held their nerve to win the NJSIAA Group 1 championship over Newton on Saturday at Bordentown High School .
Shore recorded a 3-2 victory after winning the 1v1 portion that decided the match 3-2. The teams played to a 2-2 tie through regulation and the two 10-minute 7-on-7 sudden-death overtime matches.
Freshman Finley Elias converted the go-ahead goal in the fourth round of 1-on-1s and senior goaltender Teagan Harmon put the ball away on Newton's fifth and final attempt.
It is the first time since the NJSIAA went to the 1 v 1 format last year that a state championship has been decided this way. Before last season, penalty strokes were used as a last resort to decide such matches.
Meanwhile, in the Group 2 state championship game on Saturday night, powerhouse West Essex, behind two third-period goals from freshman midfielder Delaney Farrell, defeated Point Pleasant Borough 2-0 to deny the Panthers their first group championship.
The pressure on both the shooters and the goalkeeper in 1v1 matches is almost unbearable.
“It (pressure) is what every athlete faces in high-level competition,” Shore head coach Kelly Koenig said. “You just have to train and apply yourself and be confident in those moments. That true confidence comes from working hard. These girls did it. They worked all summer to be ready for such a difficult moment.”
The flip side of the discussion is that after the two overtimes there should be co-champions, or we should keep playing until someone scores.
“I think there should always be one champion, but I think you just have to keep going overtime,” Newton coach Ashley Tashjian said. “Field hockey is a team sport. We play as a team. We continue as a team. From the coach's perspective, they (her players) have done a great job, but they have put so much pressure on themselves and now they are taking that home and feeling they are guilty.”
How the 1v1 works
The format of the 1 v. 1's is that each team has five rounds. The shooter starts at the 25-yard line and has 10 seconds to shoot.
Shore's scorers in the shootout were Emma Haynes on a penalty stroke in the first round, Marielle Montenegro in the second round and Elias in the fourth round.
Kaitlyn Harding in the first round and Jaclyn Vena in the second round were Newton's scorers in the shootout.
Elias' goal came on a second chance after she failed to score on her first attempt.
“I knew I had to use it (the rematch) to the best of my ability,” Elias said.
Then, after a save from Harmon on Newton's fourth attempt and a save from Newton goalkeeper Abbie Paglia on Shore's fifth attempt, Harmon came up with her final heroics. If Newton had scored on the fifth try, sudden death 1 on 1s would have been next.
'Nothing actually goes through your head. It's just thinking of the ball,” Harmon said. 'You can't think about it at a moment like that. It really just comes down to the basics. I just thought to sprint out, take as much space as I could. I saw her (the Newton shooter) take the ball wide and I dived. I made a lucky guess, I think.”
The shootout heroics were the final chapter in a brilliant three-year varsity career for Harmon.
“She has athletic confidence because of her skills, her decision-making and her ability to perform in high-level situations,” Koenig said.
It was wild before it became 1 on 1
Shore (25-2), which won its first group championship since 2021 and its 19th overall, dominated overtime and gave up an apparent game-winning goal early in the second extra session.
The Blue Devils, who have been beaten in the Group 1 final by West Deptford for the past two seasons, also came back from 2-0 down at half-time after goals from Marin Stefanelli and Gabby O'Brien in the first 8:41 of the third period.
“We have a lot of guts. We have a lot of heart,” said Haynes, a junior midfielder. “We realized we wanted to win so bad. We realized all the work we had put in at this point and there was no stopping us.”
“It was a roller coaster of highs and lows,” Koenig said. “This match speaks to the strength of this team. For them to be two down and have the courage to come back on this podium shows how strong they are.”
Newton still had a fantastic season.
Newton (19-4), trying to win its first state championship and be in a state final for the first time since 1984, used its speed to jump out to a 2-0 lead on second-period goals from junior forward Jaclyn Vena and Kaitlyn Harding were given a penalty shot
After Shore tied the game, Newton held on valiantly while playing for counterattacks through the remainder of regulation and overtime. Junior goalkeeper Abbie Paglia made several excellent saves.
“I'm so proud of them,” Tashjian said. “Before we got here, I told them, 'This is the biggest stage in high school. This is what you play for'. ''We have reached the highest level of play you can possibly achieve. They played with heart and soul. This time they didn't come out on top, but now they have some experience behind them.”
Shore 3, Newton 2 in 1 v. 1's
Coast 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 – 3
Newton 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 – 2
Goals/assists: Jaclyn Vena (N) 5:23 2nd period (Meadow D'Annibale). Kaitlyn Harding (N) 14:03 2nd period (penalty shot); Marin Stefanelli (S) 4:48 3rd period; Gabby O'Brien 8:41 3rd period (Finley Elias). 1 vs 1 goals: Coast: Emma Haynes, Marielle Montenegro, Finley Elias. Newton: Harding, Vena. Recordings: Coast 10-5. Saved: Shore: Teagan Harmon 3. Newton: Abbie Paglia 8.
Point Borough was brave in defeat.
Point Borough was strong defensively during a scoreless first half as it limited West Essex's chances even though the Knights conceded a number of corners.
“You'd like to think that if we could get them to emphasize the fact that we're not in the lead, we could create a chance, get a corner, maybe get a lucky pass through and create a chance create to steal the game.” Point Borough coach Kelly Carr said.
Farrell scored her two goals in a span of 3:06. Farrell's first goal came with 8:54 left in the third quarter when she tipped in a shot from senior midfielder Sophia Sisco. Her second goal, with 5:48 to go, was a tap-in from Adealaide Minnella.
In the fourth quarter, Point Boro junior goalkeeper Claire Pausz made several impressive saves.
“You know when you play them, they're one of the best teams in the country,” Carr said. “It will never be an easy task to take them out. We just had a few bad minutes. It would have been interesting to take them into extra time.”
It was the sixth consecutive year the state tournament was held. West Essex (22-3) won a state championship and its 22nd state title overall. It also marked the third straight season that West defeated Essex Point Borough in the state finals. The Knights recorded five consecutive shutouts in their state tournament games.
However, Point Borough (21-6) had a lot to be proud of. The Panthers won thirteen straight games before Saturday night and allowed just three goals in those games. Point Borough defeated Shore 2-1 in the Shore Conference Tournament final for its second straight SCT title. They also won their third consecutive South Group 2 sectional title.
“The fact that we were able to bounce back, regroup and figure out who we were as a group and play on the last day of the season was pretty impressive,” Carr said. “It just tells you how resilient these girls are… and they believe that they have within themselves that they can get to where they really want to be.”
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