A California police officer will not face criminal charges after shooting a suspected DUI. The officer says he fired his gun “unexpectedly.” KRCR affiliate CNN contributed...
The United States may send advisers to fight ISIS in the stronghold of Anbar province in Iraq. CNN’s Jim Sciutto reported. . Sources 1/ https://Google.com/ 2/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZajuhTTelQ...
The graphic video shows a shooting between platinum miners and police in S. Africa, leaving 18 dead. Nkepile Mabuse reports. For more CNN videos, check out...
North Charleston police chief Eddie Driggers talks about Walter Scott’s shooting to CNN’s Erin Burnett. . Sources 1/ https://Google.com/ 2/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iao0xrON0Zc The mention sources can contact us...
CNN’s Brian Todd reports a new dash cam video of another police car showing the aftermath of Walter Scott’s shooting. . Sources 1/ https://Google.com/ 2/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHcjRa5AghE The...
Police documents say a local neighbor, Michael Slager, a South Carolina officer accused by authorities of shooting an unarmed black man, used a stun gun in...
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