This article was originally published by conversation.. Allergic patients, please be careful. According to new research, the pollen season will be much longer and more intense...
Computer models that simulate the movement of pollen grains from trees in crowded areas have the potential to accelerate the spread of COVID-19. Tree pollen. Image...
Most models that describe how a virus is transmitted focus on virus particles that escape from one person and infect nearby people. Studies on the role...
The hay fever season lasts from late February to October Will this year be a bad year for hay fever? It all depends on the weather....
Cadillac — Earlier this week, cottonwood and dandelion puffs blew through the air in an amount similar to snow. Although not a direct cause of allergies,...
WASHINGTON (7News) — The yellow-greenish coating of the car instills fear in us suffering from spring allergies and asthma. Photo by Trevor Taylor / 7 News....
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