summary: Our sense of smell works more based on predictive coding than vision, challenging previous notions of smell as a primitive sense. Through a series of...
The human body is a complex network, with seemingly disparate parts interconnected. Recent research is beginning to unravel the complex relationship between digestive health and gut...
Blue-light-filtering glasses have become an increasingly popular solution for shielding our eyes from electronic screens’ near-inescapable glow—light that is commonly associated with eyestrain and poor sleep....
Newswise — Medical researchers at Johns Hopkins University Wilmar Eye Institute used artificial intelligence models and machine learning algorithms to determine which constituents of the amino...
Dr. Stephen Rosenak, St. Joseph Optometrist, uses high-resolution images of the eye to point out signs of diabetic retinopathy, which can lead to blindness. Diabetic retinopathy...
Seasonal affective disorder is estimated to affect 10 million Americans each year, but there are ways to prevent the darkness of the outside from creeping in....
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