Iceland’s Prime Minister has declared a national emergency as lava from an erupting volcano engulfed a nearby town. The molten lava poured into the fishing town...
It’s made from the same wood as a Christmas tree and held together by glue. A company in Sweden has created the world’s tallest wind turbine...
In Greece hundreds of people are stranded without food or water after a devastating storm killed at least 10 people and caused enormous damage. Storm Daniel...
Heavy rain has caused major flooding across Spain with Madrid, Toledo and Cádiz regions especially badly affected. A number of people have lost their lives after...
Hundreds of people are still missing following wildfires that devastated the Hawaiian island of Maui. The Governor of Hawaii has said that many of them may...
Hawaii is facing the “largest natural disaster” in its history, after wildfires ripped through the island of Maui and destroyed most of the beach-front town of...
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