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Google Pixel Watch 2 Can Track Your Stress Levels – Here’s How

Google Pixel Watch 2 Can Track Your Stress Levels – Here’s How


Earlier this week, sources at 9to5Google suggested that the Pixel Watch 2 could inherit the Fitbit Sense 2’s biggest feature, continuous electrodermal activity (cEDA), when it launches later this year. bottom.

Google has now published a lengthy blog post explaining how the company trained the Sense 2’s built-in stress detector.

The company explains that the Sense 2 “uses machine learning algorithms trained to know what to look for, not just how much you sweat, but heart rate, heart rate variability, skin temperature, and more to help you understand stress.” can be tracked in real time.”

In other words, if your wearable spot raises your heart rate and lowers your skin temperature, you might get a notification recommending breathing exercises or a walk.

The watch is set to a user-specific baseline for the first month after wearing it, but Google says the underlying algorithms were initially used for mock job interviews for dream roles, It revealed that it was trained for participants exposed to stressful situations, such as a “surprise math test.” To add to the pressure, they were being monitored in real time by three judges.

“We used the data collected from this test to train a physical response algorithm, a classical machine learning algorithm that identifies periods during which participants exhibited physiological signs of autonomic arousal,” said Google. explains.

However, measuring stress is complicated by the fact that many of the same symptoms occur when people are agitated. And while his Fitbit disables this feature when he’s exercising, he’ll also get an alert advising him to relax if he does something positive and stimulating, like hosting a party or going on a promising first date. May be triggered.

“This is where you can record your mood in the moment on your device and later in the Fitbit app,” explains Google.

Pixel Watch 2 Coming?

Google hasn’t said anything about the future of this feature, but it certainly makes sense for the Pixel Watch 2 to adopt it.

Not to forget, the original Pixel Watch was $50 more than the Fitbit Sense 2, so it certainly makes sense for the most premium wearable to get all the premium features. Google paid his $2.1 billion for his Fitbit, but he didn’t make the most of its features.

In that regard, Google is also about to begin the process of fully absorbing Fitbit accounts. Droid Life reports that Google login for Fitbit will go live this week, June 6th. First, while it’s an option for existing users, it won’t last forever and Fitbit login will be phased out by 2025.

To allay privacy concerns, Google has already said it won’t use Fitbit’s health and wellness data for targeted advertising purposes.

The Pixel Watch 2 is expected to launch this fall alongside the Pixel 8, with significant performance and battery life improvements. The new generation of his Fitbits seems a long way off.

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