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Josh Widdicombe and Nish Kumar open up about the 'weirdest' experiences from Hold the Front Page series two

Josh Widdicombe and Nish Kumar open up about the 'weirdest' experiences from Hold the Front Page series two


Virgin Radio

April 24, 2024, 09:46

Nish Kumar, Josh Widdicombe

Things will get even crazier in the second series of Hold The Front Page, according to its stars Josh Widdicombe and Nish Kumar.

THE comic couple are back experiencing the highs, lows and all the crazy moments of local journalism, all for find real stories strong enough to make the front page.

The second series kicks off on Sky Max and NOW this evening (April 24) and while chatting exclusively with, Nish and Josh shared their craziest experiences while filming the latest episodes.

I would say the craziest things that happened to us, I would say having to be in a Christian wrestling match, Josh teased, while Nish added: Almost everything that happened to us and Benidorm. Let's say for the sake of this conversation we exclude Benidorm because everything that happened in Benidorm was absolutely bizarre.

While insisting that whatever happens in Benidorm stays in Benidorm, the hilarious pair were also overwhelmed by the greetings awaiting them.

Once you do all these things, you realize that as a local reporter, you are propelled from one strange situation to another strange situation in rapid succession, Josh continued.

The first series of Hold The Front Page was also full of unforgettable moments and saw the stand-up stars try their hand at everything from visiting the set of Emmerdale to interviewing former Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Speaking of crazy experiences, you'd think Josh and Nish would be well versed in crazy ideas after both experiencing a beloved comedy series. Tyrant.

Josh appeared in the very first series of the Channel 4 competition series, while Nish followed in series five.

Share their favorite Taskmaster memories – and the ones they wish they could forget – with recalls: Trying to put a basketball through a hoop for 45 minutes of my life is something I would struggle with, I imagine.

Meanwhile, Josh shared that what remained on his mind were the tasks he was forced to complete on his own. I guess I'm haunted by the fact that they made me count a can of beans, implying that everyone would do it, Josh shared, referring to how he coped with the very first event now series regular in which one of the show's contestants faces a unique ordeal from the Taskmaster.

I came back for the Champions of Champions and they made me sing the theme, and it was the same thing again, added the actor, with a funny and defeated tone.

Hold the Front Page Series 2 airs on Sky Max and NOW from today (Wednesday April 24).




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