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Cornell University launches new general counsel executive education program

Cornell University launches new general counsel executive education program


Senior in-house lawyers and corporate leaders navigate a dynamic business environment full of opportunities and challenges, from technological innovation to changing regulatory requirements. At the current pace of change, 45% of CEOs believe their business could fail within 10 years if they don't adapt.

Cornell Law School and Cornell Tech offer an immersive program designed to help these professionals address emerging issues such as corporate governance and compliance, intellectual property, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, sustainability, and ethics. We are planning to host the General Counsel Summit, a type of executive education program, on June 20th. 21, 2024 at Cornell Polytechnic Institute in New York City.

Rizuan Eisen, faculty director at Summit and acting professor of practice at Cornell Law School and Cornell Tech, said it is essential for in-house lawyers to be at the forefront of business transformation. These legal practitioners are critical to guiding companies through rapid global change. Our program is designed to position participants as strategic thought leaders and executive partners in organizations seeking to capitalize on trends and avoid common pitfalls.

This summit is structured to provide valuable insights and practical knowledge in a variety of formats. Participants will participate in online and in-person presentations, panel discussions, and practical workshops led by Eisen and other Cornell faculty experts, experienced corporate lawyers, and decision makers, including:

Charles Whitehead, BA ’83, Professor, Cornell University School of Law Matthew DAmore, BS ’91, Associate Dean, Cornell Tech C. Allen Parker, former CEO, Wells Fargo Senior Vice President and General Counsel Len Paula, Multi-Executive, Public Company Officers, Directors Vaxxinity Director Danielle Sheer, Commvault Chief Legal & Compliance Officer Nicholas Dorsey, JD 09, Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP Partner, Elizabeth Morgan, Partner, King & Spalding Michael Arnold, Partner, Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP; Bill Priestap, Founder Trenchcoat Advisors Alasdair Share, Chief Security Officer, Goldman Sachs Machua Millett, Chief Innovation Officer, Lockton Financial Services Margaux Knee, Chief Administrative Officer, LinkNYC Susan Meisel, Executive Vice President, Sony Music Entertainment Elizabeth Grayer , non-profit director and attorney

Attendees will also enjoy a peer networking reception. Mr. Eisen believes that his small program of fewer than 50 experts allows him to have productive one-on-one conversations about the best practices and strategies during the gathering.

Eisen said the sweeping changes sweeping the corporate landscape require a nuanced understanding of how areas such as technology, geopolitics, risk and crisis management intersect with law. After the summit, cohort members return to their companies as stronger communicators, problem solvers, and influencers on these topics. It also expands your network of fellow leaders you can turn to during difficult times.

Participants who complete the program will earn the General Counsel Summit: Cornell Tech Strategic Leadership Certificate, CLE credits, and 25 hours of professional development time.

Those interested in the program can learn more and register online until June 10th. Early bird pricing available for a limited time.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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