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NYFTLab partners with leading retailers and brands to announce 2024 cohort of six female-led B2B retail technology startups

NYFTLab partners with leading retailers and brands to announce 2024 cohort of six female-led B2B retail technology startups


NYFTLab 2024 Cohort


Founded in 2014 by Springboard Enterprises and leading fashion retailers, the New York Fashion Tech Lab (NYFTLab) is focused on fostering community development, supporting women in tech, and pioneering innovation in the fashion and retail industries. It has become a force to be reckoned with. Her NYFTLab, which powers women-led businesses with breakthrough ideas and solutions, has empowered 75 companies over the past 10 years, including OBSESS, EON, FINDMINE, BUYWITH, DRESSX, REFLAUNT, SAVE YOUR WARDROBE, and more. I did. After participating in this program, these companies have grown and achieved great success in the fashion, retail, and technology industries.

In 2024, NYFTLab expanded its network to include partnerships with some of the industry's most recognizable brands, including J.Crew Group, LVMH, Selfridges & Co, The TJX Companies, and Tapestry. Lululemon, MCM Worldwide and Neiman Marcus Group join as new partners in his NYFTLab, highlighting the initiative's critical role in redefining retail standards and moving the industry forward.

The 2024 program spotlights six innovative female-led startups among the finalists, each selected for their pioneering solutions to pressing retail industry challenges. These startups are at the forefront of this year's focus areas, including social commerce, personalization, fraud/return prevention, visual commerce, AI-driven design/merchandising, and sustainability impact. Their selection marks the beginning of a new era of innovation aimed at injecting fresh perspectives and solutions into the retail industry.

The 2024 cohort will embark on a carefully designed journey that begins with an application review and concludes with an intensive 12-week program. During the program, the group will refine its business model and form key connections with retail partners, potential investors, key industry experts, and key strategic partners such as Fenwick & West LLP and Microsoft . The journey concludes with a closing demo day, providing startups with a unique platform to present their innovations and potential to a wider audience.

With its enduring commitment and vibrant ecosystem, NYFTLab serves as both a testament to past accomplishments and a beacon to future possibilities. It represents our collective pursuit of advancing the retail industry through diversity, breakthrough innovation and insightful leadership. It's an essential platform for retailers, brands, and innovators dedicated to shaping the future of the industry.

2024 Lab Company Introduction:

Katie Aucoin & Mary Breza

Purchase intent platforms and AI merchandising tools that match products and shoppers to third-party purchase signals. Carefully selected

Camille Le Gall, Agathe Roussel, Laure Becciu

A SaaS platform for fashion brands to track, measure, and improve the impact of their products.

Mambitha Marela & Malavika Reddy

A visual commerce solution for performance-optimized images using Gen AI.

Misbah Uraisee & Farah Uraisee

A social-first conversational AI platform for e-commerce brands.

sheryl liu

AI-powered generative design and merchandising software.

Alex Shamir

A customer intent platform that protects profits and strengthens data integrity by identifying resellers, bots, and return

About New York Fashion Tech Lab

New York Fashion Tech Lab is a community-driven relationship building, collaboration, and business development platform. This nonprofit program was co-founded by Springboard Enterprises and major fashion retailers to support women-led companies that develop innovations at the intersection of fashion, retail, and technology.Learn more about

New York Fashion Tech LabNew York Fashion Tech Lab

About Springboard Enterprises

Springboard Enterprises is a U.S.-based venture accelerator with a mission to accelerate the growth of entrepreneurial companies led by women through access to essential resources and a global community of experts. It is a 501(c)3 organization. Springboard is the leading network of influencers, investors, and innovators dedicated to building high-growth, women-led companies. Since 2000, over 890 Springboard portfolio companies have created over $39.1 billion in value, executed over 225 exits to strategic acquirers, and achieved 27 IPOs. Did.Learn more about

Springboard Enterprises | Springboard Helping Women Grow and Ascend | Supporting Women in Business in Technology and Life Sciences




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