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Metamaterials and AI combine to spark revolutionary breakthroughs

Metamaterials and AI combine to spark revolutionary breakthroughs


A research team (POSTECH) consisting of Professor Junsuk Rho from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, and Department of Electrical Engineering at Pohang University of Science and Technology, and doctoral candidates Seokho Lee and Cherry Park from the Department of Mechanical Engineering (POSTECH) recently combined metaphotonics research with artificial intelligence. Published a paper focusing on next-generation research trends. The paper was published in the international journal Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science.

Metalenses have revolutionized the field of optics, dramatically reducing the thickness of traditional lenses by a factor of 10,000 while maintaining control over optical properties. Notably, the academic community has begun to utilize AI as a mapping tool to identify relationships between input and output data. In their paper, the research team outlines three major trends emerging from AI-powered metaphotonics research.

Previous research involving simulations to develop metamaterial-based devices has been a time-consuming task. However, with the application of AI technology, researchers can now quickly predict optical properties based on input data, saving significant time and energy. By inputting data about optical properties into an AI system, researchers can design optical devices with desired properties.

The field of optical neural networks is emerging as a burgeoning field of optical computer technology that aims to enable AI at the speed of light by converting information into light using metamaterials. In particular, the research team provides a new perspective on the synergy between AI and future metaphotonics research by classifying optical neural networks into encoders, which are responsible for compressing and abstracting information, and decoders, which are responsible for interpreting information. ing.

The team also focused on metasensors based on metamaterials as a next-generation research trend. Metasensors are devices that encode measurement data into light and amplify it at the same time, and when integrated with AI, enable incredibly accurate and rapid data analysis. These metasensors hold promise in a variety of areas, including patient diagnosis and treatment, environmental monitoring, security, etc., and facilitate highly detailed detection and analysis of data.

Professor Junsuk Rho said, “This paper presents the trajectory of metaphotonics research, including past, present, and future efforts, from recent research to challenges and future trends.'' expressed. He added, “We look forward to further creative and innovative research that takes advantage of the essential properties of AI and metamaterials.”

This research was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea and the Ministry of Science, Information and Communication's STEAM Research Program, RLRC Program, NanoConnect Program, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy's Alchemist Project, and the Korea Industrial Technology Planning and Evaluation Institute and POSCO Holdings' N.EX.T Impact project.




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