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What is it, how is it different from Gemini, and what is this AI for?

What is it, how is it different from Gemini, and what is this AI for?


Google Gemma is a much more accessible option for large language models and is an obvious competitor to LLaMa 2.

A few weeks ago, Google announced a new language model, Gemma. This couldn't have happened any other way. This caused quite a stir, with many people wondering what the difference was between this AI and Google Gemini. The truth is, it's an AI with a completely different approach than Google's original AI. So, we will clarify what Google Gemma is, how it is different from Google Gemini, and what it is for. Additionally, something very important: How to download it for use on your computer.

What about Google Gemma?

Google Gemma is a large-scale language model (LLM) that runs directly on your computer and can be completely modified and adapted to the needs of your end users. In this sense, AI is focused on use for both researchers and programmers who are interested in conducting research focused on specific things that can be done through their computers.

In this sense, Google Gemma is freely available and open source, but also comes with a commercial license. Therefore, users who want to configure language models can use it without any problems. In principle, this is a more powerful AI than the open source AI currently on the market. They made the following comparison during their presentation:

In these benchmarks, Google itself compared it to other open source models such as LlaMa 2 and claimed it overwhelmingly outperformed them.

There are several models, Gemma 2B and Gemma 7B, each adapted to the needs of the user. This is something we've seen with other large language models, such as LLaMa 2 and its code versions created specifically for programmers, or Grok, recently released by Elon Musk.

What is the difference with Google Gemini

Google Gem and Google Gemini differ in many ways. First of all, it's pretty “ideological” since you're actually talking about the purpose for which either one was created. As already mentioned, Google Gemma is open source, so it is accessible to any researcher or developer who wants to use it for profit, and is free to customize and modify it to suit their research and work needs. . Google Gemini is a commercial model, so it focuses on economics for both end users and business environments.

This is the first difference and is the one that underlies the other differences. Although Google Gemini's information size is much larger and its tasks more complex, the truth is that AI consumes an unaffordable amount of energy and is quite financially expensive to keep running. costs. Google Gemma is a more compact, efficient, and perfect model to run on your own computer, although it does require a computer with some power.

Gemma is much more modifiable, but along the way it loses some of the inherent power of the closed source model.

How to use Google Gemma

Google Gemma is an AI option that is easily available to all users, but if you want to use it for free, you will need to use your computer's power. Therefore, it's important to know if your PC has an AI-enhancing chip like AMD Ryzen AI or Intel Deep Learning Boost. Although it can be used without a specific AI chip, it is true that loading times and resource management will be less efficient. That means you need a powerful computer to make it work.

The smartest way to download is to use Kaggle. This way, you don't have to train this AI on your own database, it comes pre-trained by someone else, making it easier to use and faster. On this website, Google itself shares her two pre-trained versions of Gemma so you can use them efficiently.

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