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BioBoosters accelerator program fosters innovation for agtech and bioeconomy startups

BioBoosters accelerator program fosters innovation for agtech and bioeconomy startups


Start-ups from around the world are interested in joining the international bioeconomy accelerator program BioBoosters. It was launched by Jamuk University of Applied Sciences in collaboration with his Valtra, AGCO Power, Neste and Innovestor and is aimed at growth-oriented start-up companies in the field of bioeconomy and agritechnology. This program is part of his BioBoosters activities by Jamk Business Accelerator.

The BioBoosters accelerator program connects end users, investors, and corporations with agritech and bioeconomy start-ups and growth companies. The network of partners includes leading companies such as Valtra, AGCO Power, and Neste, as well as investors ready to support the innovation accelerated by the accelerator.

Valtra and AGCO Power are part of AGCO Corporation, a publicly traded U.S. company that is one of the world's largest manufacturers of tractors and agricultural equipment. With the program to be launched soon, AGCO Power and Valtra hope to build partnerships with start-up teams developing the agritech industry.

At Valtra, we aim to be at the pinnacle of data-driven agriculture because we need to be able to offer new solutions to our clients in this rapidly changing world. Mikko Lehkoinen, Managing Director of Valtra, said: “We look forward to working with start-ups and innovations discovered through the accelerator program to improve agricultural productivity, efficiency and sustainability with the help of technology. I'm really looking forward to building that relationship.”

The BioBoosters accelerator program not only provides participants with a customized growth plan, but also provides access to valuable industry partnerships, investor contacts, and a unique testbed environment. Innovestors Corporate Venturing provides coaching and investor contacts for startups.

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As an early-stage venture capital firm, Innovetor has contacts that are helpful to startups in the industry. The food production value chain is experiencing major technological leaps and there is great potential for startups to grow. “The BioBoosters program has a network of important partners who can provide participants with unique contacts and coaching,” said Matti Hrknen, Innovestor Corporate Venturing Partner.

The virtual and physical testbed environments of the Bioeconomy Campus and partner farms are an important part of the accelerator program, offering bioeconomy and agritech start-ups the possibility to test and validate new products and services. The program is unique to Finland and provides startups with coaching and mentoring to hone their business models, as well as strengthen customer understanding and funding readiness with the help of experienced mentors. Accelerator programs efficiently connect bioeconomy and agritech startups with potential end users, investors, and major corporations.

Accelerator program applications are open until April 30, 2024

Recruitment for the BioBoosters Accelerator program will begin in March 2024 and the program will begin in June 2024. The program is 6 months long and can be attended virtually and physically at the Bioeconomy Campus. This means teams can participate in the program from anywhere in the world. Participation in the program is free and capital is free for startups. Applications close on April 30, 2024.

Annimari Lehtomaki, chief specialist at BioBoosters by Jamk, said: She is looking forward to the collaboration and innovation of world-class agritech and bioeconomy startups that are pioneering sustainable food production, smart agriculture, and data-driven agriculture.

Bioeconomy and sustainable food production have the greatest potential in slowing climate change and promoting carbon sequestration. The BioBoosters accelerator program invites bioeconomy and agritech startups and early-stage growth companies to collaborate to accelerate the digital transformation of the bioeconomy and food production, says Jamk UAS Bioeconomy Research Director Minna Lappalainen encourages.

The BioBoosters accelerator program is part of the activities of the Finnish Future Farm project, which is funded by the BioBoosters by Jamk business accelerator and the Central Finland Regional Council. The aim of the Finnish Future Farm project is to create a physical and virtual bioeconomy and smart agriculture testbed environment for collaborative development and knowledge sharing at the bioeconomy campus in Saarijurvi, central Finland . The project will be operated by Jamk UAS and partners are Poke Vocational School, Valtra, AGCO Power, Neste and the City of Saarijrvi.

0 1 5 BioBoosters accelerator program fosters innovation for agricultural technology and bioeconomy startups

Finland's JAMK University of Applied Sciences is an international higher education institution with expertise in eight different research fields. See all author stories here.




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