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Google's correct answer to rebellious employees is 'fire them'

Google's correct answer to rebellious employees is 'fire them'


With all the recent turmoil, companies are either turning a blind eye to employees bringing left-wing politics into the workplace, or they're being proactive with things like pronoun badges, donations to Black Lives Matter, and unisex bathrooms. We have become accustomed to either encouraging it or not.

This rainbow bind of modern working life gives some staff, especially younger employees, the false impression that the very people who pay their wages are allowed to dictate company policy. It had the unfortunate result of giving.

So it came as a shock that Google fired 28 employees this week after the company staged its own sit-in protest over the tech giant's contract to provide cloud computing and artificial intelligence services to the Israeli government.

The P45 surge came after a group called “No Technology for Apartheid” occupied Google offices in California and New York to protest a deal known as Project Nimbus reportedly worth up to $1.2 billion. .

Google said in a statement Thursday that the protesters' actions, including physically interfering with other employees and blocking access to company facilities, are clear violations of our policies and are completely unacceptable conduct. Ta.

After refusing multiple requests to leave, law enforcement worked to remove them to ensure the security of the office, a spokesperson said.

To date, we have completed individual investigations into the dismissal of 28 employees, and we will continue to investigate and take action as necessary.

Google also denied that the deal was related to weapons or intelligence activities.

Google CEO Sundar Pichai said in a blog post that while the company values ​​a culture of vibrant and open discussion, this is a business and you should never do anything that would disrupt your colleagues or make them feel unsafe. It is not the place for such behavior. Use your company as a personal platform, fight over disruptive issues, and discuss politics.

Well said. Thankfully, other businesses looking for clear instructions on how to deal with rebellious employees need only do a basic Google search.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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