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Divisions III and AA are moving closer to championship matches

Divisions III and AA are moving closer to championship matches


The first titles were awarded Saturday during the National Collegiate Roller Hockey Association national championship tournaments at Norwegian Savings Bank Arena in Auburn in Divisions I and II. Here's how the finalists fared in the semifinals, as well as recaps of the action in Division III and AA:


LINDENWOOD 8, HENRY FORD 0: Landon Kooker scored twice and added an assist in the Lions' semifinal win over the Hawks. Bryce Pierce, Clayton Liefield, Christian Acosta, Connor Bradley, Jack Wedoski and Brett Worcester all had a goal. Jackson Wozniak had a team-high four assists. Chase Christopher made one save for the shutout.

Carter Pattenaude stopped 37 shots for Henry Ford.

GRAND CANYON 2, BETHEL 1: Maxim Currie made 16 saves to lead the Lopes past the Wildcats in the semifinals. Aydin Schwartz and Dylan Guy scored the goals. Brydon Frisk and Mckenna Cooper had assists.

Christopher Mahaffey scored for Bethel and Kyle Wedbush made 17 saves.


MICHIGAN STATE 5: ROBERT MORRIS 2: Andrew Kramer scored twice for the Spartans in the semifinal win over the Colonials. Blake Crimmins, Jeff Keating and Shane Stoitsiadis also found the back of the net. Jason Slicker made 18 saves in goal.

Brock Mroczka scored both goals for Robert Morris and Benjamin Koral made 31 saves in the loss.

ARIZONA 2, CSU FULLERTON 0: Ethan Valentine made 11 saves to shutout the Wildcats in the semifinal win over the Titans. Hudson Fox and Dylan Smith each had a goal and an assist.

Kurt Yano stopped 19 shots in the loss for California State-Fullerton.


MARYVILLE 6, RIDE 5: Danny Walters had a hat trick and an assist for the Saints in the win over the Tigers. Sean Scanlon and John Klein each had a goal and two assists. Brendan Rainbolt also scored in the win.

Pat Gulledge scored a hat trick for Rochester Institute of Technology. Justin Bower and Dominic Lo Iacono each had a goal and an assist.

FLORIDA 3, RHODE ISLAND 1: Bohdi Duncan scored twice in the Gators' win over the Rams. Phillip Vanderlatt had a goal and an assist in the win. David Stenzel made 16 saves in goal for Florida.

Charlie Clements scored for Rhode Island and Fionn Mcgown stopped 22 shots in the loss.

HOFSTRA 5, PENN STATE 2: Matthew Materazo led the Pride with a hat trick in the win over the Nittany Lions. Collin Ewald and Connor Hall also scored, while Matthew Levy made 15 saves in goal.

Roman Rennebeck and Adam Smeresky scored for Penn State. Sam Robinson stopped 22 shots.

TAMPA 13, COLORADO STATE 2: Nathan Duhaime scored four goals in the Spartans' win over the Rams. Nicholas Tartaglia, Kellen Sargolini and Derrick Watson each scored two goals. David Bauer, Ryan McKinsey and Connor Christensen each scored a goal.

Keegan Barker and Mason Faulkner each scored a goal for Colorado State.

FLORIDA 6, MARYVILLE 0: Phillip Vanderlatt found the back of the net three times and added two assists in the Gators' win over the Saints. Michael McCoy had two goals and an assist for Florida and Ryan Maziarka also scored. David Stenzel stopped all 24 shots he faced.

Trevor Peate turned aside 25 shots in the defeat.

HOFSTRA 6, CAL POLY POMONA 2: Matthew Materazo scored two goals and an assist and Britt Bischoff also scored twice in the Prides' victory. Collin Ewald scored one goal and assisted on four others, and Stephen Heine had a goal and an assist.

Justin Salamat and Peter Lupercio scored goals for the Broncos.


ARIZONA 8, MICHIGAN STATE 4: Ethan Kavanagh had two goals and two assists in the Wildcats' win over the Spartans. Jack Landry had a goal and three assists, Andrew Henuset, Christian Michalowski and Patrick Moore each had a goal and an assist, and Matthew Korallus and Zachary Zebrow also scored.

Luke Washe scored twice and Jordan Emmer and Leo Rihn V once apiece for Michigan State.

BOSTON U. 4, UMASS 2: A hat trick from Nicholas Saunders helped the Terriers edge the state rival Minutemen. Brooks Wimer scored a goal and an assist for Boston University.

Ethan Barrows scored both goals for Massachusetts.

LINDENWOOD 7, SMOOTH ROCK 1: Dillon Bilek performed for the Lions, scoring three goals and assisting on two others in the resounding win over the Pride. Andrew Deciantis added two goals, Nicholaus Meyer added a goal and two assists and Lucas Hurst scored the other Lindenwood goal.

Nathan Beam lit the lamp for Slippery Rock.

ARIZONA STATE 2, OHIO STATE 1: Miles Gurrola made 16 saves as the Sun Devils slipped past the Buckeyes. George Campbell and Zack Dartez scored the goals for Arizona State.

Tanner Buck achieved Ohio State's goal.

LINDENWOOD 12, UMASS 1: Nine different players scored goals for the Lions. Dillon Bilek, Andrew Deciantis and Jay Winton scored two goals each, and Cameron Green, Nicholaus Meyer, Lucas Hurst, Leonardo Dantas, Shaun Sapienza and Kade Uetz added one each.

Will Stone scored for the Minutemen.

SLIPPERY ROCK 5, ARIZONA 4, OT: Luke Jordan sent the Pride past the Wildcats with the overtime winner. That meant a hat-trick for Jordan, while Michael O'Hanlon and Nathan Beam also scored.

Patrick Moore scored twice for Arizona, which led 4-0 after one period. Ethan Kavanagh and Andrew Henuset also scored.

OHIO STATE 4, MICHIGAN STATE 3: Dominick Evangelisti and Tanner Buck scored 40 seconds apart early in the third period to push the Buckeyes past the Spartans in a back-and-forth game.

Robert Perkins gave Michigan State a 1-0 lead after one period, then Ryan Surdek and Nathan Weigand put Ohio State ahead before John Lapinski and Perkins put the Spartans up 3-2 heading into the third period.

BOSTON U. 3, ARIZONA STATE 3, OT: The Terriers and Sun Devils settled for a tie after an eventful final two minutes of regulation and a scoreless overtime period.

Boston University's Nicholas Saunders scored with 1:46 left in the third period to tie the game 2-2, then Brooks Wimer scored on the power play 70 seconds later to make it 3-2 for the Terriers. George Campbell tied the score for Arizona State with four seconds left to send the game to overtime.

Wimer scored two goals in the match and Samuel Boardman made 33 saves for the Terriers.

Campbell assisted on the Jersey Birds goal in the first period and Nicholas Johnson also scored for the Sun Devils. Miles Gurrola made 35 saves.

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