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'A real cricket tragedy…': Ricky Ponting on his son's love for the sport | Cricket news

'A real cricket tragedy…': Ricky Ponting on his son's love for the sport |  Cricket news


NEW DELHI: Australian cricket legend Ricky Pontingthe head coach of the Delhi Capitals (DC), spoke about his son Fletcher's passion for the game, how he enjoys playing competitive cricket at home, and how he enjoys practicing with the Indian Premier League (IPL) franchise, which involves “20-30 throwdowns” from his father.
In an interview with ESPNCricinfo, Ponting, who has been the Capitals' head coach since 2018, stated that his entire family has supported the team over the years and traveled to India to be with them.
Together with the team, nine-year-old Fletcher, who Ponting called a 'real cricket tragic', took part in competitive cricket in Melbourne. He almost never misses a DC workout, and at the end of each workout he can fine-tune his techniques while his father, a multiple World Cup winner, rolls over his arms to support him. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he played PlayStation with the players and spent time with them for breakfast and training, which allowed him to build a close bond with them.
“Our whole family has really embraced the Delhi Capitals. We've been coming for probably four or five years now. They've been able to travel and be with the team. It probably all started working when the entire IPL was in Mumbai [during the Covid-19 pandemic] and we lived in the bubble in the hotel, in the Taj, and for my children and even Rianna [Ponting’s wife] to be able to hang out with the players and sit in the team room…Fletcher would go and play FIFA with them and sit on the PlayStation all day and have lunch and breakfast with the boys and then go and train,” Ponteren said.
“He's a real cricket fanatic now. He's just gotten to the age where he's played competitive cricket in Melbourne for a few years. He just loves the game. He loves the team and gets to interact with the people to go.” boys, and the boys take good care of him. He's only missed a few practices since he's been here, but he'll sit and watch and then just wait for his chance at the end of the day to put on his pads and put them on. go and face twenty or thirty throws from me in the nets.”
“Fletcher knows very well where he stands when it's cricket practice. He doesn't get anything from me until the last ball is bowled and everyone has left the net. So he sits and waits and then we go. He'll be there for four hours, to be honest. sit still.” and ask questions and talk to the guys and just wait his turn. So he loves it,” he concluded.
Even Ponting's daughters, Emmy and Matisse Ellie, are avid fans of the DC brand and eagerly await their annual arrival.
“Even when we're at home, they sleep in this stuff [Capitals jerseys]. These are their pajamas. All year round they're always just talking about the Delhi capitals and they can't wait to get back there for the IPL because what we've been able to do here is – and we certainly talk about it all the time – just try to truly create one big family where everyone takes care of each other and shares moments together. And my family is fortunate to be a part of that,” he added.
The legendary Australian player acknowledged that it is beneficial for him to have his family close by as this was not an option for him when he entered the competition.
“But my family only knows one way: they only know me from cricket and cricket teams. They understand very well when it is cricket time, when it is Dad's turn to work, and when they can share some of the time. ” day after I'm done. It's that simple,” Ponting said.
“I'm fortunate that my wife has always accepted what comes with being a player or a coach. We try to divide our time as best we can, but yes, they know when it's Dad's turn.” go to work,” Ponting concluded.
(With ANI inputs)




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