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Verified peering providers simplify enterprise connectivity

Verified peering providers simplify enterprise connectivity


In today's cloud-first world, customers require simple, highly available connectivity solutions. Many customers access Google Workspace, Google Cloud, or Google APIs using Direct Peering, a connectivity solution designed for carrier-level network operators. These carriers have in-house expertise to manage direct peering connections, but they often require complex routing designs to prevent periods of downtime. However, due to these complex operational requirements, not all customers are interested or ready to manage direct peering connections.

At the same time, many customers are accessing latency-sensitive Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) solutions or moving to SD-WAN solutions hosted on Google Cloud using the Internet as the transport. . These customers need to know where their Internet Service Providers (ISPs) are connected to the Google network with sufficient levels of redundancy to provide low-latency, highly available connections. However, obtaining this connectivity information often requires detailed and time-consuming technical research, resulting in unnecessary attention to core business operations.

To help address these challenges, we're excited to announce the Verified Peering Provider (VPP) program, a new service that simplifies connecting to the Google network. The Verified Peering Provider program identifies ISPs that provide enterprise-grade Internet service and meet multiple technical requirements, including diverse peering connections to Google. Information about each verified peering provider, including the location of Google network connections, redundancy information, and the markets in which they provide Internet service, is listed on Google's website. This list of verified peering providers lets you know where Google connects to verified peering providers, so you can choose a provider that can handle all the complexities of peering with Google.

Choosing a verified peering provider for your connectivity needs provides many benefits, including:

Simplify connectivity – Connecting to Google using a verified peering provider takes the complexity out of managing direct peering connections. Verified peering providers handle all aspects of peering connections, including provisioning, network operations, capacity management, and troubleshooting, so you can focus on your core business. Google customers who choose to use a verified peering provider are not required to meet Google's technical peering requirements.

Enterprise-grade connectivity – Work directly with verified peering providers to get your internet service. Verified peering providers offer a variety of Internet services designed for enterprises, from business-class Internet access to high-bandwidth IP transit. Verified peering providers can also provide operational support for internet connectivity issues.

Google-verified standards – Each verified peering provider adheres to requirements such as redundant and physically diverse connections to the Google network to minimize latency variations during network outages. The Verified Peering Provider program identifies two tiers of ISPs: Gold and Silver. Gold certified peering providers have physically diverse connections to Google in multiple metropolitan areas. A silver verified peering provider has physically diverse connections to Google in a single metropolitan area. The requirements to become a verified peering provider go far beyond previously announced network redundancy requirements. Providers are also required to maintain up-to-date operations personnel to ensure prompt troubleshooting in the event of network issues. Google validates enrolled providers against program requirements twice a year to ensure we continue to provide a high-quality experience.

Broad range of providers – We have worked closely with multiple verified peering providers on how to improve network performance and experience for typical customers. Specifically, we've worked with a wide range of verified peering providers to establish deep and diverse network connections to our global network, and we've provided this information to help you choose the best provider for your workloads.

Verified peering provider opinions

We are pleased to introduce our launch partners to some of the leading verified peering providers.

LumenLumen Technologies operates one of the most deeply peered networks in the world. As a gold Google-certified peering provider, Lumen can offer simple connectivity solutions optimized for Google services over the Lumen network. Lumen provides high-performance connectivity to all publicly available Google services, including Google Workspace, Google APIs, Google Cloud APIs, Google Cloud VPN, and Google public IPs.

Being a Google Gold Certified Peering Provider is a testament to our ability to support our customers with simple, highly available connectivity solutions to Google services. Google customers can now quickly launch and scale connectivity with Lumen without managing the complexities of direct peering. Miriana Martinova, Senior Vice President, Core Network Solutions, Lumen Technologies

AT&TAT&T offers a variety of Internet solutions to help businesses connect to the cloud. Fast, secure, and cost-effective fiber and 5G internet access options, including AT&T D dedicated Internet, AT&T Internet Air for Business, and AT&T Business Fiber, allow businesses to choose services that meet the needs of end users and their cloud workloads. can. .

AT&T is committed to providing our customers with high-performance, reliable, and secure connectivity to the cloud. By designing AT&T's high-speed IP network to optimally connect with Google Cloud, we are delivering on that promise and are pleased to be recognized as a Google Gold Level Certified Peering Provider. Customers want to know which ISP is best for connecting to a particular cloud. This program helps Google Cloud and Workspace customers answer that question. – Jamison Linton, Go To Market General Manager – AT&T Hyperscaler & Advisory

Arelion As the world's #1 Internet backbone, Arelions AS1299 ensures a direct route between content and end users. With Arelions IP's customer base representing 70% of all internet routes and a highly evolved Tier-1 network connectivity ecosystem, your traffic has a clear path to its destination, including Google Cloud.

As a leading Tier 1 Internet provider, our mission is to provide our customers with the best possible connectivity experience. Therefore, Arelion is pleased to be one of the first gold-level Google Authenticated peering providers, ensuring business continuity and seamless connectivity to the critical Google Cloud services that enterprises rely on. . Johan Ottosson, Vice President of Strategy and Product Management, Arelion

VodafoneVodafone is the largest pan-European and African telecommunications company. Vodafone provides mobile and fixed services to more than 300 million customers in 17 countries, partners with mobile networks in a further 43 countries, and has one of the world's largest IoT platforms. In Africa, Vodafone's financial technology business serves more than 76 million customers in eight countries and manages more transactions than any other provider.

This is a great example of a major communications provider and a cloud infrastructure provider working together to jointly unlock value. Vodafone has invested heavily in expanding the reach and improving the performance of its international network, which is recognized by the Google Gold Verified Peering Provider program. Nadia Benabdallah, Head of Network Strategy and Engineering, Vodafone

Deutsche TelekomDeutsche Telekom Global Carrier is the international wholesale division of Deutsche Telekom, one of the world's leading integrated telecommunications companies with more than 252 million mobile customers, 25 million fixed network lines and 22 million broadband lines. As one of the world's leading telecommunications operators, Deutsche Telekom is able to meet the requirements of the Deutsche Telekom Group's international affiliates and more than 900 external customers worldwide. Deutsche Telekom controls one of the world's largest IP networks (AS3320) with a Tier1 backbone present in over 80 PoPs in over 30 countries. With more than 25 years of experience in the international wholesale communications market, Deutsche Telekom offers unrivaled business-class IP transit and Internet access solutions based on the reliability, availability and high quality of Deutsche Telekom's global IP network. Masu.

“As a Gold Certified Peering Provider, our customers can trust Deutsche Telekom's global backbone to reliably connect to Google Cloud with complete confidence. We are committed to providing our customers with the best possible experience when connecting to Google Cloud. Masu. ” Matthias Maurer, Head of PM IP Services, Deutsche Telekom Global Carriers


KDDI has continued to develop and expand Internet networks and services since the dawn of the Internet. Today, we leverage high-bandwidth, low-latency, and resilient connectivity with Google Cloud to connect homes, offices, and data centers around the world. KDDI is honored to be selected as a Gold Tier Google Authenticated Peering Provider. We will continue to provide high-quality internet services.Tatsuo Sato, Executive Officer, KDDI Corporation, General Manager of Network & Cloud Platform Division


Google customers interested in using a verified peering provider can view the list of verified peering providers here to get started today, or look for the verified peering provider badge on participating providers' websites. Please note that the Verified Peering Provider Program is currently launching as a limited rollout and is not available to all ISPs at this time.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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