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Pushing the Button: A 35-Year-Old Reader's Game-Changing Game Boy Memories | Games

Pushing the Button: A 35-Year-Old Reader's Game-Changing Game Boy Memories | Games


I don't mean to make you feel old, but the Game Boy turned 35 over the weekend.

That little gray box was millions of people's first introduction to video games. It was shared among families and played with equal enthusiasm by girls, boys, men and women. When I asked people last week about their fondest Game Boy memories, nearly 100 people reached out to share their memories of playing on the go, on long car rides, on family vacations, and in bed after bed. He did it for me. A flashlight for the screen, of course). The Game Boy took gaming off the television and brought it into the free time of daily life. It felt more intimate and acted as a private portal to the rest of the world, despite the rubbish screen and fairly rudimentary technology.

You can read my thoughts on the Game Boy and its influence in this commemorative feature, which I am passing along to you as part of today's newsletter. My memories with Game Boy are here. Thank you very much to everyone who sent something else.

A travel companion for the original Game Boy.Photo: Nintendo

I took the batteries out of my grandma's TV remote and played it. I grew up with my girlfriend's OG Game Boy and vividly remember the day I got it. For my 8th birthday, my girlfriend's mother took me to her G-Force on Union Street in Glasgow and gave me a Game Boy. And Tetris. We were visiting family and didn't bring batteries, so I took the batteries out of my grandma's TV remote. For Christmas that year, I got Link's Awakening. I was shocked to find that I was playing Link to the Past (my favorite game then and now) on a handheld. My Game Boy goes everywhere with me, whether it's on a family trip to Scarborough, playing in the car by the freeway lights, or sitting with a towel over my head playing Super Mario Land 2 in Crete. He went. The system lives on for me and my analog pocket still works. My go-to travel

I want to be 9 years old again. I had a yellow Gameboy that was stolen from my summer daycare group. The culprit was never found. But that meant I bought the gray one bundled with Tetris. That little plastic box is intrinsically connected to my childhood. Many of those memories are musical and play over and over again in my head. I first perfected the sound in Super Mario Land before I was 10 years old (I don't think I can recreate it now). The map music from the sequel 6 Golden Coins, and the heartbreak when the music suddenly cuts out after you put in another AA battery. Wave Race's sad walking away music when you lose. The little cry you hear when you hatch Yoshi in Mario and Yoshi. I bought a magnifying glass with a flashlight so I can play huddled under the covers at night. I sat on a boat from Newcastle to Rotterdam and traded Pokemon with his brother using a link cable (he was red, I was blue). I took my Game Boy with me everywhere. Somewhere in my parents' house, I still have a zippered Nintendo bag filled with adventurous games, waiting to be revisited. Too much nostalgia can be dangerous, but looking back, I wish I could go back to when I was 9 years old and my biggest problem was having junk stuck in my cartridge slot.John

Pokemon on a vintage Game Boy Color console released in 1998. Photo: Alamy

I spent 25 years proving my dad wrong.I was 8 years old when my dad told me that the Game Boy wasn't for girls because it was a Game Boy, not a Game Girl. . I spent the next 25 years proving my father wrong by becoming a game developer.Anisa Sanusi, Game Developer and Founder of Limit Break

The Game Boy kept me playing games even when I felt like I should stop. When the Pokemon craze was in full swing just before Christmas 2000, I remember my mom asking me a strange question. Even though it was Christmas, we played together. Now, even though my mom is no longer here, I'm glad she didn't say anything. Because she was very happy that my mother bought it for me. In the mid-2000s, when I was a teenager, I decided I needed to get out of gaming and sold almost all of my consoles and games. But I kept my Game Boy and games. Looking back, it was because it was easy to keep private as a secret hobby, and on the outside, I was just a normal teenager who loved music and hanging out with friends. The Game Boy kept me playing games even when I felt like I shouldn't be playing anymore. Finally, near the end of my master's degree, I used the last remaining balance of my student loans to buy back everything I had sold. God, I love the Game Boy! It still works and I still buy games for it.helen

OG had the best bass. I got his OG Game Boy in red brick. I bought it for Pokemon, but previously I used it for live performances using Nanoloop ROM. The back of the battery container fell off and I had to keep the batteries in while dancing around the stage. The OG bass was also great.Tom Betts, artist, scholar, programmer

This is a great kit that includes a Game Boy camera and printer.Photo: Public relations image

The mini-games were full of weird humor I don't think the Game Boy Camera gets enough credit as a great piece of kit. It was the first digital camera many of us had, a portable photo booth device, and a way to edit and add filters to snaps on the go before the advent of smartphones. The minigames were imaginative and full of quirky humor, and the printer accessory provided a cool connection to his other GB titles. Nintendo often makes interesting game/peripheral/accessory combinations. Some are extremely popular, while others are an evolutionary dead end. But you can still give anyone a Game Boy camera and they can still enjoy it.lory

Keep it safe It's very possible that I was the first person to play a Gameboy on a bus in the UK. We were developing a game for Rare, so we got them very early on and had a bus for them to commute to work in Manchester. I had it with me in case someone stole mine. Ste Pickford, game developer

During a long vacation to France, in the back seat of my father's car, I plugged my Game Boy into the car's cigarette lighter, turned it on, and played Pokemon. After hours of not saving the game, he pulled over without warning, turned off the car's engine, and my Gameboy turned off. To say I went ballistic would be an understatement.Ewan

I was fascinated by the world of Lynx Awakening. My brother and I were raised by a single parent, and my mom would try to get things second-hand. Portable game consoles were a great way to calm us down during long car rides, so she tried to get us two game consoles for her little one. I went to the local supermarket in the village to put up an ad. She eventually found a used Game Boy and a large case containing games and accessories. It came with a weird magnifying glass to make the screen bigger, and a worm light (the sun sets early in Scotland, so I often drive in the dark). My favorite game was Lynx Awakening. I fell in love with that island world, and Twin Peaks later became my favorite TV show, so I wasn't too surprised to learn that it was inspired by Twin Peaks. did.mat

I remember playing Kirby's Dream Land for about an hour during a trip to the Netherlands. Photo: Nintendo Switch Online

My parents bought me and my younger brother each a Game Boy for Christmas in 1989, thinking that if we could wipe out all the Metroids, we could also wipe out my mother's cancer. It was the year the Game Boy was first released. My mother had leukemia at the end of 1991. We spent a difficult and sick Christmas together, knowing it would be her last. She stayed in bed most of the time, so I immersed myself in playing Metroid II and thinking with my 12-year-old mind. I figured that if I could wipe out all the metroids on SR-388, the blood transfusion would somehow help wipe out the world. Cancer cells in mother's blood. It didn't work. I completed the game (the items were 100% her) but she passed away in January of the following year.

The next year I lived a pretty miserable life, and my father had no idea how to help. He often bought me things to try out, and when we went on trips he would cheer me up with new games. I remember completing Kirby's Dream Land in about an hour while traveling in the Netherlands, reading about Super Mario Land 2 in a game magazine, finding it at the airport the same day, and having someone buy it for me. One of his favorite games on that old console was Links Awakening. I remember buying graph paper and making my own map of the outside world.

When my father passed away and I had to go through all the old stuff in the house to decide what to sell and what to keep, I bought my old Game Boy (which still worked!) and its games (above). I found the ones listed above and Donkey Kong). , Rockman, Castlevania), along with accessories and my carry case. I ended up putting it up for auction along with my father's stuff. I got more money for that than for anything else. “Grand Theft Hamlet'' directed by Marc Oosterveen

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What you play: Play your Game Boy library via Nintendo Switch.Photo: Nintendo

You can play old Game Boy favorites like Zelda: Link's Awakening, Oracle of Ages, and Oracle of Seasons on Switch right now through a Nintendo Switch Online subscription. Super Mario Land 2; Wario Land 3; BurgerTime (which many of us have fond memories of); Metroid II; the Pokémon Trading Card Game (which I loved as a kid); and of course Tetris. Nostalgic screen filters lend a low-tech charm, and unlike the late 1980s, you can always rewind, retry, and save difficult sections of the game. Don't sleep on Gargoyles Quest, one of the most innovative games in Game Boy history.

Available on: Nintendo Switch Approximate play time: As long as the nostalgic journey lasts

Books to read Billie Eilish heads to Fortnite Festival. Photo: @billieeilish/x

Billie Eilish will be the next featured artist at the Fortnite festival, following the headline spot previously filled by The Weeknd and Lady Gaga.

Embracer Group, which has been gobbling up game studios in recent years before shutting down some after a failed funding deal with Saudi Arabia, has now been split into three companies. This marks the end for the time being of a restructuring period in which more than 1,400 people lost their jobs.

Speaking of Fortnite, Stephen Totillo of the Game Files newsletter did a wide-ranging interview with former president and co-creator Donald Mustard about the game's origins and its transformation into a pop culture touchstone. Ta. Mustard was in the back of an Uber on his way to a meeting where he wrote the initial design document for Royale Mode, the battle that would make Fortnite famous.

I was impressed by Alyssa Mercantes' review of Tales of Kenzara: Zau. The game is inspired by Bantu mythology and was inspired by the death of the creator (actor) Abubakar's father, Salim. There's something very special at work in Tales of Kensela, Mercante writes, and it's one that extends beyond the video game and into larger cultural commentary. What he created is a beautiful tool for all of us to fight the dark corners of our hearts, the stinging tears in our eyes.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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