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Discover 10 more abandoned racetracks on Google Earth

Discover 10 more abandoned racetracks on Google Earth


Back in February, we asked for your help in finding more racetracks lost to time. Over the next few days, our email inboxes were flooded with tips, but did you respond? Well, I'll share 10 more songs of hers. Each one has an interesting story.

Our latest discoveries cover expansive road courses, small-town Saturday night circle tracks, and even giant superspeedways captured by Google satellite before and during their destruction. This is his one of the coolest (and probably saddest) Google Earth racetrack images ever.

We know there are many more tracks waiting to be rediscovered, so keep sending us your tips via email or comments. From the US and Canada to trucks around the world, we want to hear from you. So let's begin his third Google Racetrack virtual road trip.

Truck: Greenwood Roadway Location: Indianola, Iowa Coordinates: 4115'08″N 9329'33″W

Motor1 reader Dennis sent us this tip, and at first glance you might think it could still be a working truck. Located in south-central Iowa, it was a 3.0-mile, 16-corner road course in a remote location. According to, the circuit was active from 1963 until 1967, but its remote location was one of the reasons for its demise. Low attendance and maintenance issues also contributed to its demise, but the site is now used for heavy equipment training. However, Greenwood Roadway still exists in the gaming world with titles such as rFactor and Assetto Corsa.

Track: Motordrome 70 Speedway Location: Smithton, Pennsylvania Coordinates: 4010'30″N 7943'30″W

This half-mile oval began life as a dirt track in 1972 and became a NASCAR-sanctioned track in 1989. Speedway and Road According to his race history, it was paved at the time and according to his Motor1 reader Tom who sent in the information, spectator attendance was high. It fell off from that point on. Google images show the truck to be in good condition, and diving into Street View shows the entrance is still clearly marked. However, according to Tom, this track has been closed for several years and is now being used by a noise wall company.

Track: Illiana Motor Speedway Location: Schillerville, Indiana Coordinates: 4128'35″N 8725'17″W

Just 55 miles from Chicago are the half-mile ruins of Illiana Motor Speedway, a dirt and paved oval that remained active for nearly 70 years. Motor1 reader John shared his experiences competing on the track as a race car driver in the 1970s and his 1980s. John's son also raced at Illiana, but it closed in 2016. The Town of Schillerville purchased the truck with plans to demolish it and reuse the land, according to the Associated Press. As of 2021, the building and bleachers have been removed, but the asphalt still remains. Discussions have been underway for land use in 2023, but the current status of the line is unknown.

Track: Bridgehampton Race Circuit Location: Sag Harbor, New York Coordinates: 4058'41″N 7220'03″W

The Bridgehampton Race Circuit, now a golf course, was once a busy 12-turn, 4.5-mile circuit. It officially opened in 1957 and has hosted everything from Can-Am to the World Sports Car Championship to NASCAR. A website dedicated to the track talks about Mario Andretti taking Paul Newman out for hot laps in his Mustang. It was closed in 1999. This golf course gives you an overview of the old course, but we used an image comparison tool to highlight the original layout. Thank you Michael for showing us the history of this special race.

Truck: Bluegrass Motorsports Park Location: Napoleon, Kentucky Coordinates: 3845'45″N 8447'55″W

Can you call a track abandoned if it's never officially completed? That's the story of Bluegrass Motorsports Park, which broke ground in 2008. His Facebook page for this road course designed by Derek Daly of F1 fame still exists. GraySpeed ​​Productions' video pegs the course distance at his 2.5 miles, and it looks pretty good from his Google eye from above, but the final paving hasn't been completed. Built during the Great Recession of 2009-2010, the project reportedly lost funding. According to tipster Dave, the truck is currently privately owned and not open to the public.

Track: Roseburg Speedway Location: Green, Oregon Coordinates: 4309'34″N 12321'41″W

Even if it's a small 400 meter oval track that's only open for a short time, it's worth a moment in the light. That's the case at Roseburg Speedway, nestled among the trees of southwestern Oregon. This tip came from Hans, who visited the circuit to watch the races as a child. He says it was a dangerous place. There was not much protection for spectators and at one point a car appeared to have entered the stands. Hans mentions it happened in the late 1960s, but his Facebook page claims the oval was only open from 1963 to 1964. No matter how long it's been there, his legacy lives on with the ghostly outlines of trees where the railroad tracks once stood.

Track: Dayton Speedway Location: Dayton, Ohio Coordinates: 3943'19″N 8415'14″W

It was a little difficult to find information about this half-mile oval. Information from Doug gave me the approximate location, and an article in the Dayton Daily News gave me the rest. This course, which opened in 1934, was actually just over half a mile (5/8) long and was a very fast course. Famous drivers such as Richard Petty and his AJ Foyt ran laps here, but it was closed periodically throughout the 1970s and permanently closed in 1982. Unfortunately, it has become a landfill, but the part of the old course can still be seen from the air.

Track: Lindale Farms Raceway Location: Pewaukee, Wisconsin Coordinates: 4306'29″N 8818'08″W

If you lived in a subdivision that was once a 2.5-mile, 13-turn road course, could you resist the urge to step on the gas among the rows of houses? It is a beautiful area with well-maintained roads along parts of the area. If you look closely at the top right of the image, some of the old pavement is still there. According to, the facility was open only from 1963 to 1967, when a combination of inclement weather in Wisconsin and noise complaints from neighbors forced it to close. Shout out to John for tips on this great truck.

Track: Wilmot Hills Road Racing Course Location: Wilmot, Wisconsin Coordinates: 4229'54″N 8811'03″W

You might have to go all the way to Wisconsin just to visit all the old railroad tracks that once existed. In the shadow of Wilmot Mountain Ski Resort lies a short one-mile road course that was vibrant during the 1950s and early 1960s. According to Barkboys, it was frequently used at the time for everything from driving schools to SCCA racing. It closed in 1967, but Motor1 reader Joe says not much has changed since then. The building still remains.

Track: Texas World Speedway Location: College Station, Texas Coordinates: 3032'15″N 9613'11″W

You can't miss the ruins of Texas World Speedway from above. It was two miles long and was a veritable superspeedway, hosting NASCAR, IMSA, and several other large race series. The property also had a 4.6-mile road course, but according to Racing Circuits, weather often prevented track activities. It was devastated. NASCAR took this track off its schedule in the 1980s, but teams occasionally used it for testing purposes. Tipster Michael reminded us that the track he closed permanently in 2017.

This land has been reused for residential purposes, and as of 2024, Texas World Speedway will no longer exist. But Google Earth's striking images capture the track from two different periods, showing a mix of old pavement bones and mounds of dirt from renovations. This is a sad end to one of the few superspeedways ever built.




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